Business Daily Media

Business Marketing


3 Tips For Marketing To A Conservative Demographic

  • Written by NewsCo

To be successful at running your business, you have to devote a fair bit of time and energy to marketing. But to ensure that your marketing efforts do what you intend for them to, you really have to understand what your product or service is and how to best make it appeal to your target market.

Target markets are best catered to when you’re able to be as specific as possible and really pinpoint the exact type of person who would find your product or service most useful. So if you’re determined that someone that’s more right-leaning politically is who you should be showcasing your product or service to, here are three tips for marketing to a conservative demographic. 

Appeal To Luxury

One of the things that conservatives generally find appealing, according to David Dubois, Jeehye Christine Kim, and Brian Park, contributors to the Harvard Business Review, is luxury and living a more luxurious lifestyle

People who identify as conservative like to think that their hard work is being rewarded by their access to something that is of a higher quality. Knowing this, you should try to ensure that the messaging of your marketing materials gives off the feeling and energy of a luxury brand. For example, if you are trying to sell apparel, this can be done by touting the quality materials that you use to create your product or service or by showing the luxurious lifestyle of those who use your brand. 

Appeal To Superiority

For many conservatives, it’s highly valued to work your way up the top. Because of this, Sarah Steimer, a contributor to the American Marketing Association, shares that appealing to a vertical structure of superiority can also prove to be beneficial for businesses with conservatives in their target demographic. 

As a business, this type of marketing can be done by having different levels that people can purchase, like a bronze-, silver-, and gold-tiered level. You can also use appeal to authority to legitimize your brand and encourage people to use your product if they want to get to the next level of their life. 

Consider Using Direct Mail

To actually get your marketing materials to a conservative demographic, Alex Altman and Michael Scherer, contributors to Time Magazine, suggest that you consider building up your mailing list and using direct mail to send out your marketing materials. Many conservative political groups use this marketing strategy, so this is something that many conservatives are used to seeing when they visit their mailboxes and could prove to be beneficial to your business, too. 

If your business is best suited for a conservative demographic, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you better reach this audience. 


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