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Check Point Software Unveils Research Revealing How Organisations Are Harnessing GenAI To Improve Cyber Security

  • Written by Les Williamson, ANZ Managing Director, Check Point Software Technologies

Report shows the already widespread use of GenAI by security teams and how it is improving their efficiency and helping to bridge the skills gap

Check Point Software, a leading AI-powered, cloud-delivered cyber security platform provider, today released research that confirms more than 97% of security teams are already using artificial intelligence (AI) – powered tools as part of their cyber defence strategy.

The research, conducted by UK-based market research firm Vanson Bourne together with Check Point Software Technologies, found AI tools are being used in a variety of ways. These include improving incident response rates, malware protection, and reducing instances of data loss.

“AI is clearly becoming a key resource for organisations in their ongoing battle with cyberthreats,” says Les Williamson, ANZ Managing Director, Check Point Software Technologies.  “It enables security teams to respond to threats much more quickly and neutralise attackers before they can cause damage or disruption.”

The research also found many of those making use of AI were taking advantage of rapidly developing Generative AI (GenAI) tools. These tools can reduce the volume of manual work undertaken by security teams and lower the number of false-positive flags.

In the Asia-Pacific region, the researchers found almost one in two organisations believe GenAI can streamline security operations and improve the allocation of resources. This was the highest proportion across the three global regions covered by the research: North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

Key benefits of GenAI tools
Asked to nominate the key benefits delivered by GenAI tools, more than 50% of survey respondents said they had a better understanding of user behaviour and anomalies. This was followed by having increased accuracy of security events (more than 45%), faster analysis of security events (more than 42%), and enhanced threat detection and prevention (more than 35%).

“The research highlights the fact that GenAI tools are already delivering significant benefits to both security teams and their users,” says Williamson. “With these tools continuing to develop at speed, the benefits will become further enhanced over time.”

Bridging the skills gap
The survey also found that 89% of organisations continue to experience a skills gap within their security teams. With competition for talent continuing to climb, this is a situation that is unlikely to be resolved in the short term.

Concerningly, 98% of those surveyed confirmed the skills gap is having an impact on the efficiency of their security operations. Of those, 40% rated the impact as ‘strong’.

Williamson said this situation was challenging as cybercriminals were also taking advantage of AI tools to strengthen their attacks. “The skills gap puts a serious damper on how effectively organisations can assemble the right defences against AI-infused and overall cybercrime,” says Williamson.

He continued, “Increasingly, organisations have found the need to turn to GenAI tools as a way of bridging the skills gap. These tools can undertake many tedious, time-consuming tasks and free up team members to focus their attention on more value-adding activities.”

While GenAI tools clearly have a valuable role to play within cyber security defences, there remain some challenges and concerns. Survey respondents highlighted the challenge of keeping AI models up to date while at the same time complying with data regulations.

“GenAI will help to transform organisations as cyber security providers integrate greater intelligence into their offerings,” says Williamson. “Taking advantage of the powers of GenAI will pave the way for a more secure and resilient digital future.

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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. 

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ( is a leading AI-powered, cloud-delivered cyber security platform provider protecting over 100,000 organisations worldwide.

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