Imagination Director Heath Campanaro to launch charity start-up

Award-winning experience design company, Imagination, today announces that Heath Campanaro, Director Imagination Australia will be stepping back after almost 20 years with the business. Campanaro leaves to launch a charity start-up, his dream for the last decade. He will continue to work with Imagination as a consultant on clients and project work from July onwards.
Antony Gowthorp, Managing Director Imagination Australia comments: "Heath has been a huge part of Imagination in Australia and he leaves an incredible legacy. We'll all miss his energy and enthusiasm - but he goes with our blessing to follow his dreams and create something special in the not-for-profit world, and in his own communication consultancy. On behalf of all the Imagineers and clients who have worked with Heath over the last 20 years, I want to thank him for his creativity, passion and leadership. We all wish him the best in his new endeavours - and we look forward to Heath playing a continued role as a consultant with us and for our clients while he follows his dreams."
Heath Campanaro, Director Imagination Australia comments: “As you can imagine - leaving a role like mine in such an amazing agency as Imagination has been the most difficult decision I've made in my career. I've been part of building an amazing team capable of the most extraordinary things, and delivered projects I could have only dreamed of. I know Imagination will continue to thrive as the creative powerhouse it's always been, and the team will continue to deliver the impossible for our brilliant clients. It's been an honour and an absolute privilege to have been in my role at Imagination for as long as I have - although it’s not goodbye, now it's time to follow my heart and take a big, scary leap of faith".
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