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How A Recession Will Affect Your Investments

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Investing your money always carries a certain level of risk, but have you ever wondered how a dip in the economy will affect this? Recessions can happen for a variety of reasons, and it can be a worrying time for those of us with growing investment portfolios, however, there are ways that you can negate the impact on your money, like using an investment research platform to find investments that are likely to remain stable when the economy is struggling, as well as knowing how to manage your investments in a way that prevents losses. Read on to find out more about investing in a recession.

What happens in a recession?

During a recession, the economy declines due to a lack of trade within various industries, meaning less profit being made by businesses, making it harder for them to survive hard times. There are a few reasons that a recession in the economy might happen, some of those include a loss of confidence in the economy, resulting in customers not spending their money and saving instead. Falling house prices can also prompt consumers to cut back on spending if they lose their equity. The difference between wages and prices can also cause a recession, as consumers with lower incomes cannot afford to put money back into the economy. A dip in the economy has an impact on all of us, whether we’re consumers, investors, or business owners. Below, we’ll look at how a recession will impact your investments and how you can put yourself in the best position to deal with economic failings.

How can this affect your investments?

A recession can be disastrous for investments as stock markets plummet, and others panic and pull their money out of their investments – causing further issues for the economy! The uncertainty of a recession makes markets extremely volatile, meaning those that invest over a shorter term can end up in trouble. However, if you’re investing over a longer term, you may find that your investments are some of the most recession-proof, as over time, the stock market will improve, and you can make back any money lost. With investments, there is always a risk, but there are ways that you can reduce yours if you know that a recession is imminent.

How to invest in a recession

There are a few factors to consider when investing in a recession that can put you in the best position when it comes to reducing the impact that it has on your finances. There are even ways that you can use a recession to your advantage! You can do this by investing your money in areas that do well no matter what, like supermarkets, health, and beauty industries as well as fast food companies. You can use these as investment opportunities that are more likely to maintain their value, as they are going to be needed regardless of the state of the economy. Read on to find out more about how to manage your investments in a recession.

Don’t panic

When the market begins to fall, one of the most obvious ways to react would be to pull all your money out or sell your investments. If you panic and decide that you’re going to sell, you could put yourself in a worse situation – making a loss instead of simply riding out the dip in the market. Market volatility is worrying, but switching your focus, and believing in long-term investments means you’re less likely to lose money and you might just come out of the dip unscathed.


This should be something that all investors think about, regardless of a recession. When investing, you’re taking on various amounts of risk depending on where you’re investing your money. Taking the time to diversify your investments means you can spread the risk over a few areas, meaning you won’t lose all your money in one go. Decide the level of risk you’re willing to take and diversify your investments accordingly.

Choose wisely

If you’re worried that a recession might be on the way, choosing wisely where you should invest allows you to choose companies that are more likely to do well, therefore somewhat safeguarding your investments and minimising risk. Take the time to look for companies that have strong business models and look like they could prosper during an economic downturn and that may be relatively unphased by the economy, like supermarkets and health companies that provide products we need, recession or not.

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