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3 Ways To Make Better Connections With Your Business Leads

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If you’re in sales, you know how important it is for your leads to feel a connection with you and your business. When this happens, your relationship can go far beyond just a company that they’re buying something from. Rather, you can become a trusted person or organization that they feel comfortable calling on when they need help. But to get to this point, you first have to know how to build this kind of relationship with your leads.

To help you learn how this can be done, here are three ways to make better connections with your business leads

Avoid The Cold Calls

We all know that first impressions are the most important, and this counts for sales, too. Knowing this, you should try to avoid cold calling leads whenever possible. 

Not only can cold calls be awkward, regardless of how much sales experience you may have, but they also are actually really ineffective. In fact, only one percent of cold calls will actually go anywhere. Because of this, your time is really much better spent on other methods. So if you’re going to be reaching out to a lead, be it for the first time ever or for the first time in a while, try reaching out to them through email or some other way to warm them up before attempting to set a meeting or make something else happen. 

Provide Valuable, Educational Content

Many times, your business doesn’t even have to personally reach out to a lead in order to make them feel connected to you. Great content can do a lot of this work for you.

Depending on the type of business you’re running, you should seek to provide your leads and other customers or clients with educational content that will give them real value. This way, when they use your content for any number of things, they will attribute this great value to your business, solidifying a strong positive connection to you in the process.  

Take Advantage Of Networking Events

For the times where you have the opportunity to attend events that will allow you to network with leads and other prospective clients or customers, it’s vital that you take full advantage of these events. If done correctly, time spent at a networking event can glean enough leads to last you for months. And the personal connections that you can make with people speaking face-to-face with them can help you develop relationships that wouldn’t have been possible any other way. 

Building business relationships with people is as much an artform as it is a skill. So oi this is something that you’re wanting to improve on, consider using the tips mentioned above to see how you can start making better connections with the leads you’re trying to nurture.

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