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Understanding Technology to Boost Your Business

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To start with, there is a general belief that technology is about innovation. Yes! That’s just right. However, what is not always clear to everyone is that innovation walks hand-in-hand with business ideas.

Combining these two allows you to carry out business operations in a more accessible, faster, and efficient manner.  Implementing innovation will provide better business initiatives to better your products and give you alternative solutions to improve customer service.

Technology isn't just crucial for daily business operations but also to help several companies attain growth and, ultimately, success when correctly put to good use. In this article, you will be taught how to get small business loans, how technology can help your business, and the basic things you need to understand to boost your business. 

How technology can help small businesses

You may be wondering how to make strategic use of technology in your business. The following are areas where technology can assist small business establishments in achieving growth and success:

    Helps to manage projects efficiently

    Efficient use of productivity applications

    Web-based payments

    Backup software

    Measure user-engagement

    Wider audience reach

    Improved customer service

    Proper marketing campaigns

    Audio-visual contents

    Virtual assistants

What to know before implementing technological solutions to your business

Rightly so, now that you understand how technology can help your business grow, it's the right step to implement technical solutions into your business to harness this. However, before delving headlong, here are few things you should consider before implementing technological solutions to your business:

What are you doing with your old tech?

If you would be implementing innovation in your business, you need to have proper planning for the old one. There should be an adequate removal or disposal of your hardware such as computers, printers, etc. You can do this by either selling, donating, or recycling. Meanwhile, you can get small business loans to get funding for this.

How would you implement training of innovation?

It would help if you had a well-laid out plan on how to implement the innovation. Your staff might need retraining as they have been used to your old technology for many years. Organizing a training session would be just right.

Any plans for cyber-security and disaster management?

The world of the internet is prone to cyber-attacks. And that’s why you need to have a proper cyber-security plan. In the face of these threats, you should equally have a disaster recovery strategy to get back lost files should your innovation eventually have issues.

Is the innovation worth it?

It would help to consider whether your latest innovation is worth the time and money to be invested. What works for other companies might not necessarily work for you. If the invention would make little or no progress to your sales, it should not be adopted. 

What will the transitioning process look like?

It would be best if you planned before changing technologies. It is not cool to be offline for a day or two—train staff before implementation. There should be no rush at all. 

Business areas that technology can help

No doubt, technology has a significant impact on the day-to-day operations of a business. Listed below are a couple of areas in that technology can help your business:

    Business communications

    Business optimization and management

    Efficient business operations

    Increased security

    Global networking

Tools to enhance small business results

To get the appropriate result, you need to use the proper technological tools in your business. The following are few tools that enhance small companies—and the right niches where they are being used—that you need to know about:

    Online payment tools:  Paypal, Stripe, Shopify, Amazon Payments, etc.

    Email marketing:  MailChimp, Campaign Monitor, AWeber, etc.

    Social media marketing:  Buffer, TweetDeck, Hootsuite, etc.

    Customer Service & Helpdesk:  Helpscout, Groove, Zendesk,, etc.

    Communication:  Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc.

    Project Management:  Trello, Basecamp, Asana, Teamwork, etc.

    Document Management:  Google Drive, Office 365, Box, Dropbox, etc.

    Website Building:  Squarespace, WordPress, Wix, etc.


Smartness is very important in every business. And you will be doing yourself an excellent service if you teach the use of technology in your business. You can learn how to obtain small business loans to get funding for your business and implement innovations to grow your investment.

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