Business Daily Media

Leap Real Estate wins game-changing REA award

Resimax Group’s Leap Real Estate team has won Game Changer of the Year at the AREAs, the Annual REA Excellence Awards, for its world-first Leap Li...


Grasp the Big Picture of Housing Development

The housing development is the process of constructing and managing residential spaces for human habitation. It involves planning, designing, buildi...


The Importance of Customer Feedback for Your Online Business

Your perception of your business is unique. It has helped you build up your brand and establish your presence online, and above all, it has beco...

Business Training

Keys to Small Business Success

Are you an entrepreneur with your heart set on small business success? Do you have an idea for a business? Are you unsure of how you can get start...

Business Training

Customer service is essential in any company

When you think of customer service; many of us picture retail, hospitality or fast food restaurants preaching “service”. However customer service ...

Business Training

Oman set to create the largest Oasis Park in the Middle East

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Through the years, Oman has made giant strides as a nation. The Sultanate’s march towa...
