Business Daily Media

Combined capitals preliminary clearance rate below 60% for sixth consecutive week

After trending lower for three consecutive weeks, auction activity rose slightly this week, with 1,667 homes taken to auction across the combined ...


Legal Fees for Selling a House

When you’re looking to sell a house, there are a number of different things you need to take into account before you can do that. One of the main ...


Oman set to create the largest Oasis Park in the Middle East

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Through the years, Oman has made giant strides as a nation. The Sultanate’s march towa...


What's The Difference Between NFT And Cryptocurrency

With the rise of technology digitising all fields of life, finance has not been left behind. There has now been the development of a chance to ear...

Business Training

On a Budget: Why Renting is the Popular Option for a Home

While owning a home is frequently viewed as a symbol of stability, independence, and success, this may only be true for some. When it comes to a lim...


How to Get Your Property Ready to Sell

When you are selling your house, preparing it for viewings is very important but can equally be very stressful. This is something that is not only g...
