Rachel Reeves wants to end the UK’s gender pay gap for good – here’s how she could do it
- Written by Rachel Verdin, Research Fellow, University of Sussex

Shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves has declared she wants to end the gender pay gap once and for all. If Labour is elected, she said[1], firms would be required to publish action plans, increase the number of female executives and improve flexibility in the workplace.
These initiatives would be both necessary and welcome. Reeves may become the UK’s first female chancellor and finally closing the gender pay gap would be a historic achievement – boosting women’s earnings by as much as £55 billion a year[2]. But is her plan bold enough to deliver on its promise? My research[3] on the huge gender pay gap in the finance sector and exploring measures being taken in other countries suggests she may need to go further.
UK employers have been required to publish information about their gender pay gaps since 2017. The gender pay reporting regulations[4] oblige firms with 250 employees or more to make public[5] six calculations of their gender pay gaps on an annual basis.
The intention was to sharpen an organisation’s focus on equality, diversity and inclusion, and bring some much-needed transparency to the problem. In that sense, there has been some success. Observers can now monitor developments over time, by firm and sector.
However, in seven years the overall pay gap has reduced by only 1.2 percentage points from 12.8% (2017) to 11.6% (2024)[6]. In some sectors, such as finance, gaps are significantly larger.
In 2024, the UK’s big four banks (Lloyds, HSBC, Barclays and NatWest) reported[7] pay gaps as high as 48% and bonus gaps up to 74%. Goldman Sachs’[8] current gap is bigger than at any point in the last six years. The lack of movement in areas like corporate and investment banking has been described in evidence to parliament as “appalling”[9].
After the initial shock and media frenzy[10] surrounding pay reports died down, it seems companies have become inured to the embarrassment of a bad report. It’s clear that naming and shaming organisations into action has failed.
Since Brexit, the EU has also adopted new rules on pay transparency[24], going far beyond the UK requirement[25]. There are also mandatory quotas for the representation of women at board level[26].
To go further and faster in fixing the gap, the UK first needs to catch up[27], as two successive parliamentary inquiries have pointed out.
Given the UK’s lack of progress, Reeves’ renewed ambition to close the gender pay gap for good is very welcome. But to really shift the dial on gender pay inequity she may need to go further. Updating the outdated gender pay reporting regulations and legislating for greater pay transparency would be a good start.
- ^ she said (www.theguardian.com)
- ^ £55 billion a year (www.pwc.co.uk)
- ^ research (profiles.sussex.ac.uk)
- ^ gender pay reporting regulations (www.gov.uk)
- ^ make public (gender-pay-gap.service.gov.uk)
- ^ 12.8% (2017) to 11.6% (2024) (www.thetimes.co.uk)
- ^ reported (gender-pay-gap.service.gov.uk)
- ^ Goldman Sachs’ (www.ft.com)
- ^ “appalling” (committees.parliament.uk)
- ^ media frenzy (theconversation.com)
- ^ election newsletter (theconversation.com)
- ^ Architectures of Inequality (bristoluniversitypress.co.uk)
- ^ JPMorgan (www.businessinsider.com)
- ^ Nationwide (www.telegraph.co.uk)
- ^ rolling back (www.personneltoday.com)
- ^ good evidence (www.gov.uk)
- ^ voluntary pay transparency pilot scheme (www.gov.uk)
- ^ voluntary policy efforts (www.theguardian.com)
- ^ all-time low (www.adzuna.co.uk)
- ^ Australia (www.wgea.gov.au)
- ^ Canada (www.canada.ca)
- ^ parts of the US (www.shrm.org)
- ^ Mark D Bailey/Shutterstock (www.shutterstock.com)
- ^ pay transparency (www.consilium.europa.eu)
- ^ beyond the UK requirement (ravio.com)
- ^ board level (www.europarl.europa.eu)
- ^ catch up (www.pwc.co.uk)