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How To Get The Most Out Of Remote Workers

  • Written by Business Daily Media

In 2023, many businesses have employees that are working remotely, either full-time or part-time as a hybrid work model. The pandemic has forever changed how people work; now, remote work is seen as the norm, and it is no longer a perk. It can actually be mutually beneficial as a business can benefit from lower costs, access to a larger talent pool when hiring, higher morale, employee loyalty, and even higher productivity in many cases. Remote work can bring challenges, though, and it is important that you know how to get the most out of your team. Keep reading to find out how.

Ensure Fibre Optic Internet Is Used

First, you need to make sure that each team member has high-speed internet available. Remote work can require high speeds, especially when using videoconferencing software, so it is important that your team has access to fiber-optic internet like the that provided at Additionally, many households will have multiple people working remotely/using the internet at the same time, so cable, DSL, or satellite internet may not be sufficient. Reliable and fast internet will help you to get the most out of your remote workers and should improve performances while also boosting morale if this is a service that you pay for. 

Provide The Best Remote Work Tools

You also need to make sure that your team has access to the best remote work tools available. There are many excellent tools that can make remote work easier for all, especially when it comes to communication and collaboration. This will include things like:

  • Cloud services
  • Videoconferencing software
  • Screen recording and sharing software
  • Project management software
  • Group chat platforms

Outline Expectations & Trust Your Team

Remote work can be mutually beneficial, but you need to have clear expectations in place. Your team needs to know what is expected of them and what the process is for spending time away from the desk. You want your team to be able to enjoy the benefits of remote work and have flexibility, but you also need to know when they are available. Once you have outlined your expectations, you should trust your team and avoid micromanaging

Check-In & Arrange Social Activities

While it is a good idea to trust your team and avoid micromanaging, you need to ensure that you are available and check in on your staff regularly. While remote work has its perks, it can also take its toll, and many feel isolated and disengaged from work. Therefore, you want to check in regularly to keep in touch and provide mental health resources if they need them. Additionally, social activities (online or offline) can help people to feel part of a team and increase engagement.

These are a few of the best ways to get the most out of your remote workers. Hopefully, this will allow you to improve remote worker performance while also allowing your staff to enjoy the benefits that remote work can bring to their life.

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