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5 Ways Working From Home Can Improve Your Mental Health

Remote working has become the norm for most people, and even if you don’t work from home 5 days a week, your company may have taken a hybrid approach. There may be times when you miss the buzz of the office, but overall, you might prefer working from home for many different reasons. Companies that have integrated remote working with the office are also making sure that they update the office buildings to ensure they’re catering to their employee’s needs and to make coming into the office worthwhile. In Essex, office furniture companies offer the latest equipment to really help boost the appeal of the office and upgrade any outdated pieces. Although going into the office does have its benefits, remote working can actually be more beneficial for your wellbeing. Here are the top 5 ways working from home can improve your mental health.

  1. Better Time Management

One of the major benefits of working remotely is being able to manage your time better. In the office, you can pretty much guarantee that as soon as you try to go for lunch, someone will call you or need your help. This can then lead to you missing your break altogether which can actually harm your mental health in the long run. When working, you need to take regular breaks in order to stay productive and focused, but they’re also essential in keeping your mood levels in check. Continuously working without a break can cause you to burn out and end up resenting your job. Home working allows you to control your breaks (within reason), meaning you can actually take a proper break to refresh your mind and body for the next part of your day. Don’t overlook the importance of taking your lunch breaks if you want to help improve your mental health. Getting a cup of coffee and taking a breather can do wonders for your stress levels.

  1. Improved Work/Life Balance

As well as managing your time better, you’ll also find that you have more hours in the day to do what you want. Having more free time enables you to balance your home and working life even better as you no longer have a long commute back and forth each day. What you do with the hours you’ve got back can make the world of a difference to your mental health too. Instead of driving for an hour, you could hit the gym or go for a morning walk. Exercise has been shown to help improve low moods and help with your wellbeing as it releases positive chemicals into your body. By utilising the hours you’ve gained, you can easily help improve your mental health. Even if it means you spend half an hour listening to your favourite podcast or reading a book, having more free time to do what you love will help you immensely. Working remotely can also allow you to spend more time with your family and loved ones, helping to improve your relationships and in turn your happiness.

  1. Increased Confidence

Some people love being around people and find that they work best in a group. However, some people are more introverted and struggle in an office environment so remote working can be ideal for them. Without having to deal with people face to face anymore, you may notice you start to feel more confident in your role and some of your anxieties may slowly disappear. Speaking up in meetings may also become easier for you, whereas before you may have felt intimidated and found it hard to make your voice heard. But with the buffer of digital communication platforms, you can restore your confidence and find a new love for your job.

  1. Get More Sleep

Studies have shown that getting more sleep is one of the best ways you can help improve your mental health, and remote working allows you to get just that. You no longer have to get up to get ready for your commute, so you can actually get more time in bed. This allows you to start your morning routine a little later and let your body properly rest. Sleep helps your brain to regulate the chemicals it’s released during the day and helps to get rid of the stress induced emotions you feel. If you’re working from home, don’t use the later start as an excuse to stay up later. Instead, try going to be at the time you would have if you had to commute and get those extra hours in to really optimise your mental health.

  1. Reduced Stress Levels

Your mental health is greatly affected by your stress levels, and remote working is a brilliant way to reduce them. You may still find work to be stressful at times, but the benefits of working from home can help you to process them better and not allow them to take over your life. It can be easy to keep working past your contracted hours when remote working, as you aren’t thinking about the extra time it will add to your commute home anymore. However, you don’t want to fall into this trap and work yourself to complete burnout. Working remotely should help eliminate stress, not cause it. Switch off at the end of your day and your mental health with definitely thank you for it. You also have the luxury of being able to de-stress and make the most of your breaks. If you were in the office, a five-minute breather could turn into a work conversation with a colleague which may not be the most beneficial way to deal with stress. However, if you’re at home, you can take five minutes to make a drink, get some fresh air, and allow your emotions to settle back down.

Although not everyone enjoys working remotely, there are lots of benefits and they can really help your mental health. From getting more sleep to growing your confidence in your role, working from home can truly improve your mental health in the long term.

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