5 Ways to stay germ free on a plane

In pre-Covid days, no one gave much thought to their health when travelling, but nowadays, maintaining good hygiene while travelling has never been more important.
If you have ever had the misfortune of sitting on a plane and seen some people ‘make themselves at home,’ picking at their toe nails, snoozing with their bare feet on the armrest or the seat in front of them, and sneezing and coughing, then you can imagine how easily germs can spread in these close quarters.
So, what can you do to protect yourself?
1. Wash or sanitise your hands
Maintain good hand hygiene and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and don’t touch your nose, eyes or mouth with unwashed hands as these create entry points for viruses and germs, particularly before eating and just after boarding. If you are unable to wash your hands, use a hand sanitiser such as ViroCLEAR which is alcohol free.
2. Pack a sanitiser
“To ensure you don’t inadvertently pick up any nasties along the way that will ruin your holiday or business trip, one of the best things you can do is to take control of your environment and use an antimicrobial solution such as ViroCLEAR,” says Daniel Seldon from Aussie Pharma Direct.
ViroCLEAR kills 99.99% of germs and bacteria (including Candida Albicans which causes tinea, athletes’ foot, and skin and nail fungal infections) saving you from the potential negative impact of your less considerate fellow travellers.
3. Wipe down surfaces
For peace of mind protection, use disinfectant wipes to clean surfaces you come into contact with, like the armrests, your fold down table, and your window blind to minimise the chance of infection.
4. Wear a mask
In the closed environment of a plane, you are forced to breathe the same recirculated air as everyone else, and you can’t maintain social distancing or move away from any fellow travellers that are coughing, sneezing and spluttering, so the next best step is to restrict exposure to any potential germs in the air.
And as people may not know they have Covid, they can still expel enough virus to infect others, so why take the risk?
With masks now not mandatory on planes, the need to up your protection is left up to the individual, so it’s wise to voluntarily wear a quality face mask like the Australian made, four-layered AMD P2/N95 Nano Tech Respirator to act as your own personal air purifier.
5. Minimise removal of masks when eating and drinking
If possible, remove masks only for eating and drinking, or on short flights consider not removing your mask at all. When everyone takes their mask off to eat at the same time, it only takes one sick person to pass their germs around to infect many others in close proximity to them.
Before setting off on holiday, visit www.aussiepharmadirect.com.au for everything you need to keep you safe and healthy.