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Business Marketing


3 Creative Advertising Tips

  • Written by News Co

Advertising is all around us, whether we are watching tv or driving down the expressway filled with billboards. Every marketing company out there in the world has a strategy that they use to sell. We have all seen advertisements that have stuck out to us for some reason or other. Those are the ones that reach the goal that they have set for themselves. There are a lot of creative ways to advertise something but the keyword in this sentence is "creative."

Design. Whether it is a web design, video design, or graphic design you are always going to want to come up with a way that stands out above the rest. That is how you get noticed. Try coming up with a logo or a saying. Get creative so when a person looks at your advertisement they are drawn in. Get their attention with just a glance. When they click on that web page or video they are intrigued and want more, it holds their attention and interest. When people are drawn in they tend to talk to others about what they have seen. Check out more creative and powerful design ideas on backed with sound strategy.

Media. Think about the world we live in today. Our lives are centered around the media. News media, social media, podcast, or even a blog. Get your advertisement out there. Take advantage of social media and the marketing ads that they allow. Get people sharing and liking those ads. Make sure that your ad is directed and designed to grab the attention of the group of people that you want to reach. Find out what is trending and get creative. The more people you reach and get a reaction from the more attention your brand will make. In the marketing world, attention is everything.

Video production. This topic really ties the other two discussed in this article together. Video production can be a great marketing strategy because videos can be posted and watched just about everywhere. On a social media page that runs ads during a video. Go to the next level of social media and get an ad running on Youtube. One of the biggest things on Youtube is reviews and reactions. There are starving Youtubers out there that are begging for a chance to review or to react to something. Take advantage of this platform. Reviews of your product, reactions to your product, or just an ad during a video.

When it comes to advertisements, the key is to first think about what group of people you are trying to reach. It could be an age group, religious group, or any social group, but narrow it down so when you are designing your advertisement you are designing it with them in mind. Once you have that established just get creative and think outside of the normal box. People are drawn to "New." When things are interesting and new they tend to become trending. Be creative and follow those three creative tactics.

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