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One Less Present challenges corporates to give diddly squat this Christmas

  • Written by Business Daily Media

Instead of giving endless hampers, cards and bottles of wine to partners, clients and staff this Christmas, Act for Kids is challenging businesses to give ‘diddly squat’ to help kids and families in need.

Businesses are invited to ‘give the gift of nothing which means everything’ and instead donate to Act for Kids via the leading child protection organisation’s Christmas initiative, One Less Present.

Donations will fund life-changing therapy and support services for children and families who have suffered trauma from neglect, sexual, emotional, and physical abuse.

Two brands getting on board the band-wagon of giving ‘diddly squat’ is long-term supporters of Act for Kids, Budget Direct and Compare the Market.

The brands have decided this year to do away with corporate gift giving and instead donate $50,000 to Act for Kids via One Less Present.

Group CEO, Ram Kangatharan said the decision was simple.

We like to surround ourselves with like-minded corporate partners who believe in giving back to our communities, so we’re delighted our two great brands are getting behind One Less Present this year,” Mr Kangatharan said.

2020 has been challenging for many businesses, but it’s been even more challenging for the many families Act for Kids supports. Businesses in a position to give gifts this year should consider redirecting the funds to Act for Kids. I think that’s the best gift we can all give this Christmas.”

Act for Kids CEO Dr Katrina Lines said One Less Present was a way to celebrate the Christmas spirit, while inspiring conversations about gift giving among families, as well as corporates.  

By giving up one present, you can make a difference in the lives of children who have experienced trauma from sexual, physical, emotional abuse and neglect,” Dr Lines said.

New to One Less Present 2020 is the cashless, One Less Gift Card.

The One Less Gift Card can be given to a corporate colleague, loved one, or a friend in lieu of a physical present. It’s also a convenient, creative way to make Secret Santa presents mean a little more,” Dr Lines said.

By giving One Less Gift Card to employees or clients, businesses can help some of the 45,000 children and families Act for Kids assists each year.”

Give One Less Present and get a One Less Gift Card via

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