Business Daily Media

How Businesses Use AI to Transform Marketing

  • Written by Gabi Saper

Digital marketing has never been more competitive. Businesses of all sizes are fighting for consumers' attention in an already overcrowded space. Small companies primarily run on tight budgets and, therefore, need to find ways to work smarter, not harder. That is where artificial intelligence plays the trump card for marketers while deriving customer insights and making personalisation a vast efficiency booster. For my small business, AI has been invaluable in improving SEO, building out content calendar ideas, and creating standard operating procedures for my team. We even have a custom GPT across the team to maintain a consistent tone of voice. The potential benefits of AI in developing personalised marketing strategies are highly promising. However, many marketers are finding it challenging to navigate the vast array of available AI tools.

What is an AI Marketing Tool? 

AI marketing tools operate on innovative technologies and are used to automate and improve certain aspects of marketing. From content creation to video editing using AI, to research on audiences, mapping customer journeys, monitoring competitors, automating sales, and customer support, there has never been such a wide range of AI tools available to marketers in the history of marketing. AI applications such as chatbots, video translators, and even deep fake videos are now at the disposal of marketers, enabling them to create more engaging and personalised experiences for their customers.

More Effective Personalization and Targeted Ads

One of the most significant impacts of AI in marketing is improved personalization and targeting in ads. With the kind of algorithm AI has, AI tools can scan through massive data to understand the behaviours, preferences, and demographics of consumers. This enables a marketer to develop hyper targeted campaigns that closely align with specific audience segments. For instance, AI could promote adjusting content to individual behaviour about a particular brand, thereby increasing the chances for higher engagement and conversion from such content.

Content Creation Done For You, Automatically

AI has significantly automated the process of content creation, particularly in the realms of short-form videos and written content. This automation is pivotal in today’s social media landscape, where users have short attention spans and a demand for enjoyable content. Short-form videos, in particular, have become an essential component of social media strategies due to their ability to quickly engage and entertain viewers​​​​​​​​. This also goes beyond videos, AI is transforming content creation and optimization. AI-driven tools can churn out blog posts, social media updates, and content calendars fit for a specific brand's voice and style. The content is optimised by AI to ensure structuring and delivery with maximum visibility and impact in elevating search engine rankings.

Benefits of Utilising AI in Marketing Tools 

More Efficiency: AI drives automation for all repetitive activities and processes, enabling marketers to invest this time in their creative and strategic planning. 

Better data analysis: With the ability to quickly process and analyse vast amounts of data, AI tools provide insight into consumer behaviour and market trends. 

More effective personalization: Since AI can understand the preferences of individual customers, it allows for interactions that are relevant and more highly personalised. 

Cost Savings: Automation reduces the need for vast human resources, thus reducing general marketing costs. 

Real-time Decision Making: AI tools are made to provide real-time analytics and adaptive learning for the marketer to change strategy on the fly to optimise output.

Challenges with Implementing AI 

Despite the established advantages of AI in marketing, some challenges come about in its practical implementation. The biggest challenge from application stands out to be continuous learning and adaptation. AI technologies continuously change, and the demand for marketers is to keep learning the changes in the models to implement the tools. You need to be continuously ready to experiment when the tools keep on changing!

Other than that, most AI tools that are of excellent quality come with a price; adopting the "pay to play" model. Free versions will always have poor outputs, which, at some point, may be very clear and can expose a brand to very obvious use of AI, creating inauthenticity and can break trust with customers. Marketers should start considering budgeting for these tools and paying for the complete services to be able to use their entire capabilities. Another challenge is the potential for AI content to sound inauthentic or impersonal, which doesn't bode well for the brand. Marketers need to achieve a balance between automation and human touch to ensure authenticity and trust.

Using AI for a Competitive Edge 

AI personalises consumer experience, makes marketing more efficient, and offers more profound insight into consumer behaviour in the marketing domain. The application of AI technologies is complex but with more benefits than costs, making it a great tool for contemporary marketers. With the evolution of AI technologies, the impact on marketing approaches will give more opportunities to businesses to communicate their messages effectively. Marketers, therefore, will be able to embrace AI to understand and navigate the complexities of the digital landscape, delivering their businesses forward in an increasingly competitive environment.

Gabi Saper is co-founder of CMY Cubes, Chief Growth Officer at SHE-com and the keynote speaker at Online Retailer Conference in Sydney, 25th July. Gabi’s session will focus on Social Commerce - combining the best of e-commerce with social media.

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