Business Daily Media

Passion Project to Portfolio Career: Expert shares top tips on how to turn your passion into profit

  • Written by Kim Tran-Flores, CEO and Co-founder of Kimlligraphy

Turning your hobby into a profitable venture has become a realistic goal for many. I am lucky enough to be one of those people who has transformed my side hustle into a career. As the Co-Founder and Chief Creative Officer of Kimlligraphy, a small business that specialises in all things calligraphy - enhancing personal and business events and gifting through personalisation, I found it challenging to establish my place in the market and grow my business to a comfortable level.

As what started as a passion project while I maintained my full-time corporate role, Kimlligraphy has quickly transformed into a growing enterprise – with the help of my Co-Founder and Husband, Mark, Kimlligraphy has grown 160% from 2022 to 2024.

Where most small businesses fail in the first 5 years, it is important to set realistic goals and objectives to maintain levels of growth and expansion. Below are my top tips on how to turn your passion project into a portfolio career:

Find Your Unique Voice

In a competitive and noisy market, differentiation is key. For me, I found my specialty in adding value to businesses by elevating events and gifting through calligraphy personalisation. My best advice for entrepreneurs is to experiment with different approaches until you find your authentic voice that resonates with you and others. Being different from other companies is a superpower!

Master Your Craft

Before monetising your passion, it's crucial to hone in on your skills I recommend investing time in practice and continuous learning. For creatives, attend workshops, take online courses, find a mentor, and engage with other experts in your field. Improving your skills makes you more valuable to the marketplace and an expert at your craft.

Bring Out The Human Element

In today's digital age, the power of a personal brand is so important to connect with audiences at a deeper level. Instagram is a visual platform for showcasing work, but I found that people relate to people, not products. Bringing out the human element of your business allows for a more authentic connection, making it easier to engage with followers and potential clients alike.

Leverage From Connections

Networking and collaborating can open doors to opportunities you might not find on your own. When I started out, I had a small audience and network, so I started building relationships online and in-person with those that have a bigger reach. These relationships not only introduced me to new audiences but also resulted in more business and brand credibility.

Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Videos

Video content is a powerful way to engage your audience and showcase your work. At Kimlligraphy, we share a lot of behind-the-scenes, testimonials and educational videos such as calligraphy demonstrations and content from on-site events. Videos build trust with potential clients and a more engaged community.

Work On The Business, Not Just in It

As your business grows, it's important to shift from doing all the hands-on work to focusing on business growth and development. Consider delegating tasks and automating processes to free up your time for bigger-picture thinking. Although it was hard for me to recognise I needed to step back from the technical role, it helped me maintain my passion for the business and enabled us to handle the increased workload and growing demand.

My journey from a passionate calligrapher to a successful entrepreneur is a journey of love, learning, and perseverance - and the rewards extend far beyond financial gain.

About Kim Tran-Flores

Kim Tran-Flores is a mindful creative who is passionate about the art of beautiful writing. In an increasingly digital world that's dominated by mass-production, Kim's mission is to keep the human touch alive and spread creativity through personalised calligraphy that enhances life's special moments. She is steadfast in her commitment to elevating events and gifts into unforgettable experiences that leave a lasting impression on hearts and minds. Beyond her professional endeavours, Kim is passionate about Harry Potter, watching crime shows on YouTube, and raising her two children, Hendrix and Riley as a conscious parent. For more information visit:

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