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Nasodine Research Points to Potential Role in CRS

Firebrick Pharma Limited (ASX: FRE) is pleased to announce the publication of new research into Nasodine® Nasal Spray identifying its potential in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS).

“To date, the development of Nasodine has focused on treatment of the common cold, which is generally caused by viruses,” said Firebrick Executive Chairman, Dr Peter Molloy. “This new research suggests it could also have a future role in bacterial CRS.”

CRS is an infection of the sinuses generally caused by strains of Staph. aureus. It is difficult to treat and becomes chronic because of the bacterium’s ability to shield itself from antibiotics and host immune responses by forming a protective ‘biofilm’.

The research evaluated for the first time the activity of Nasodine against S. aureus biofilms in vitro using a biofilm reactor model. Nasodine demonstrated time and concentration-dependent bacterial killing against intact biofilm with statistically significant reductions in viable bacteria with exposures as brief as 5 min. It consistently eradicated dispersed biofilm within 1 min.

The article concludes: “Nasodine is highly active against biofilms of S. aureus ATCC 6538 in vitro…Nasodine is an effective antibiofilm agent that holds promise for the management of sinonasal biofilms in CRS. Clinical trials are now required to determine whether this product offers clinical benefit for this condition.”

“Our clinical focus continues to be on Nasodine as a treatment for the common cold,” said Dr Molloy. “However, just as we have been exploring Nasodine’s potential in COVID-19, we may now want to consider its future development in CRS.”

Sponsored by Firebrick, the research was conducted at the University of Auckland and has now been published in the prestigious journal, The Laryngoscope1.

About CRS1

Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) is one of the most common chronic medical conditions worldwide, affecting all age groups. The estimated incidence of CRS is high: 12.3% in the USA, 10.9% in Europe and 13% in China.

Hale, S.J.M., Lux, C.A., Kim, R., Biswas, K., Tucker, S., Friedland, P., Mackenzie, B.W. and Douglas, R.G. (2023), In vitro Nasodine Can be an Effective Antibiofilm Agent for Biofilms that May Cause CRS. The Laryngoscope.

Albu S. Chronic Rhinosinusitis-An Update on Epidemiology, Pathogenesis and Management. J Clin Med. 2020 Jul 18;9(7):2285. doi: 10.3390/jcm907228.

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