Business Daily Media

Ditching the Paperwork: Tailormade HR Solution for Businesses

Australia’s largest business organisation My Business, with over 90,000 members, has launched a new one stop shop for small business owners looking to take the guesswork out of HR.

The new offering, My Business Workplace, helps SMEs manage all stages of employment - from recruitment, managing employees and paying staff, through to termination and redundancies. 

“Small business owners are used to being a jack of all trades but it’s difficult to be an expert in something as serious as workplace law,” says My Business General Manager of Product and Sales Phil Parisis. 

“A recent survey* of our members found that almost a quarter are spending the equivalent of 2 days a week on paperwork. That’s a lot of time that could be spent either doing what they love or growing their business.” 

“More worryingly, 60% admitted they’ve made mistakes when doing their own workplace paperwork and documentation,” says Mr Parisis. 

“Australia is the most heavily regulated country in the world when it comes to workplace law so it’s no wonder business owners are confused,” he adds. 

Workplace provides a wide range of advice and documents including: 

- Legally compliant documentation such as employment contracts, policies and notices prepared by a leading employment law firm

- Guides and checklists for staff onboarding, termination and redundancy

- Access to the Workplace advice helpline to speak with an HR expert for tailored advice

“The workplace product is designed to remove the price barrier that often stops SME owners from seeking legal advice.” 

“We know that employment contracts are the number one workplace topic people search for – specifically rules surrounding resignation, redundancy and flexible working.” 

“Unfortunately, the rules and regulations surrounding workplaces are not always black and white, they’re often quite a few shades of grey. My Business Workplace is about making it easier for SME owners to understand their requirements and breaks down the process into easy to follow steps,” says Mr Parisis. 

The My Business Workplace software is available to businesses from sole traders hiring for the first time to those with 200+ employees. Subscriptions start from $85 a month. 

*Survey Source: ‘Recipe for Success Survey’ conducted by My Business & Pure Profile - August 2022 

My Business (formerly Business Australia) is an online platform that backs small business by bringing the powerful management tools that big businesses use within reach of every Australian small business owner. Through simple and very cost-effective tools, My Business helps small business owners to face the regulation, the risk and people management issues that often come with owning your own business. My Business operates across the country from major cities to country centres offering advice, downloads, products and services as well as access to resources that has grown our community of members to over 90,000 businesses nationally. To join visit

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