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Business Marketing


The Power of the Word “You”

  • Written by Daniel Tolson

“Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs.” ~ Pearl Strachan Hurd

In a study conducted by Yale University, the word “You” ranked as the most powerful word in the English language. Think about this for a minute, before you decide to purchase something, the first thing you think about is how it’s going to impact your life. Clever marketers will attempt to do this by building their advertising campaign about their products around your needs, emotions and desires. “You” is an empathic word and holds infinite power as it convinces people that you have their best interests at heart. 

When you are communicating with your customers, it’s all about them, they are the most important part of the equation. And it’s up to you to make them believe that. So how do we achieve this? Saying the word “You,” isn’t enough, it’s the way it is said that will seal the deal. You’ve heard your mother say, “It’s not what you say, but how you say it.”

There is a right and a wrong way to speak to people, the idea is to maximise the effect you have on each client by speaking to them in the right way.  The ability to regulate your tonality determines the meaning of what is said.  With this skill you will realise your voice has power.

Generally, when you first meet someone, you will say the words, “Hi, how are you?” When you do so, your voice is typically projected towards their head, you maintain eye contact, glance at their nose, mouth and chin. This is the wrong way to speak to a person, the right way is to say the words “Hi how are…” in your normal tone, and when the word “You” is said, drop the tone of your voice two or three tones deeper and projected towards the knees.  You can command attention with your voice once you know how to use it.  At all times, be conscious of your body language as it speaks louder than what’s spoken

The person you are engaging with should be able to feel what you are saying. This is why some people become world renowned public speakers and others don’t. It’s not because they don’t have anything good to say, it’s the way the message is delivered that counts.  Learn how to be a people’s person.  Always be tactful, cultivate common sense and be street smart. 

The soul of your business and power lies in YOU.

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