Top 6 Factors That Influence Land Valuation
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Valuation of and is done to determine its value based on various factors. The valuation is carried out using sales, income, cost, and market data, and the value acquired is the approximated value of the land in the market. There are different factors put into account when determining land value. This article will discuss them in detail.
Location is a significant factor that affects the value of the land. It determines the price of land based on the proximity to schools, public transportation, hospitals, malls, airports, etc. Therefore, any land property close to these amenities will likely cost more than land in a remote area. Accessibility plays a significant role in the valuation where land is expensive in metropolitan areas and even more expensive in the CBD of the city. That means that land close to economic activities will be of more value than land far away from these activities.
Size and Shape
The property's size and shape are other major determinants in the valuation. Large sizes call for higher prices than small ones. The reason why size and shape are significant factors is that they influence future developers' decisions. For example, land with a rectangle shape with one side adjacent to the main road will cost more than land without a consistent shape at the center of other properties. Some of the lucrative pieces come with offers to enable buyers to buy and make great investments. For instance, you can get titled lots on offer from 400 m2 depending on where the land is located.
You can also buy land using property investing, This process can have many benefits, including the ability to save money on your monthly payments, pay off your mortgage sooner, or get cash out of your home equity.
If the land has potential development opportunities, it will attract higher prices, which means a high value. Developments like roads, electricity, public transportation, water, and other amenities can increase land value. In most cases, land sellers sell land when such developments begin. During this time, the value increased, meaning a higher selling price.
Natural Hazards
Land susceptible to natural hazards like flooding may have less value than those safe from such calamities. Land located at a high sea level is less likely to flood. Therefore, the prices are also attractive for sellers. On the other hand, low sea-level land has less value.
The usage of land is also another major determinant. Prices and value differ with commercial and residential land properties. The valuation is based on the income aspect, with more value being put on the piece with the highest rate of return. From another perspective, many empty land lots are not attractive enough to cost a lot. However, the land becomes lucrative with the investment that comes with high traffic, buildings, and development projects. With time, the price goes up as usage increases.
Zoning codes dictate how land owners can develop their land in specific areas, and these codes vary from city to city. They dictate the kind of structures you can erect and other regulations. Therefore, valuators also use zoning codes to determine land value.
To Sum It Up!
These are major factors that determine land valuation. Therefore, when buying land, it is crucial to consider them to know how much you are likely to pay and ensure you get value for your money.