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9 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Your Staff

  • Written by News Feature Team

Whatever the sector, research continually proves there’s a direct link between staff productivity and company profitability. There’s no denying that the all-important ‘Ps’ are a critical factor when it comes to helping a business reach its full potential. But like all corporate models, the concept is easy to define, yet complex to execute. Yes, satisfaction is a defining factor, but switching staff into top gear runs deeper than this alone. This is where an understanding of employee drivers is essential.

From technology to trust, here are nine ways you can get the most out of your workforce:  

Mobilise operations

The next generation of employee is here, and they’re elevating the notion of a digitalised workplace to new heights. Advocating for mobile with a capital M, millennials expect constant connectivity from anywhere, at any time. From cloud storage and collaborative software to handheld devices and in-house apps, use technology to deliver millennials the connectivity they crave. By 2025 analysts predict that three quarters of global workers will be millennials, which makes a millennial friendly workplace a big one.

Understand the ‘social economy’

A happy workforce is a productive workforce, and the weight of this concept should never be underestimated. Improving staff satisfaction will categorically boost productivity, with a recent Bright Horizons study finding that nearly two thirds of ‘highly satisfied’ employees consistently put in extra effort at work.  

Create a smart and streamlined workplace

Employees are only as productive as the environments they perform in, which means the creation of an intelligent and intuitive workplace is critical. This applies to every aspect of your operations, from HR and administration to web development and customer relations. Software is your biggest ally, with tools such as Ento serving as a powerful workforce management solution that contributes to a smarter, happier workplace.    

Be compassionate

Compassion should never be confused with docility. On the contrary, it’s a word that should be in the corporate vocabularies of all executive persons. Show staff you care, and they’ll give it their all in return.   

Support internal virtual networking

Facilitate superlative efficiency by ensuring that communication is fluid between every department. Offer employees open access to IT systems, multi-device functionality and collaborative software. This will empower them with the knowledge to make informed and strategic decisions.

Harness social technologies

Over the past decade social interactions have been redefined by the speed, scale and scope of the internet. The corporate impact has been immense, with the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) reporting that 72% of companies now use social technologies. Yet despite the vast adoption, opportunities remain largely untapped. When actively improved, the same report revealed that social technologies can raise communication, collaboration and knowledge sharing by up to 25%.

Build trust

Abraham Maslow is a psychological deity, so when he cites self-actualisation and esteem at the top of his famed hierarchy, you know they’re important. But how do you empower employees with these qualities? Trust is the key to bridging the gap, and sanctioning staff with the freedom to engage, create, problem solve and contribute with confidence.   

Offer growth opportunities

Nothing sparks motivation to perform quite like opportunities for personal and professional growth. Take your staff to corporate nirvana by putting enriching prospects on the table. Think funded conference attendance, advanced education compensation, internal mentorship programs and skillset expansion courses. Not only will career development opportunities increase the value of a staff member, but they will also inspire loyalty.  

Develop a zero tolerance mediocracy policy

As a rule of thumb, workforces can be defined by the 20-60-20 rule. 20% are strong performers, 60% are average performers and 20% are weak performers. Former General Electric CEO "Neutron Jack" Welch famously ordered every department manager to dismiss the bottom 10% of employees every year, thus creating powerful motivation to perform. We’re definitely not suggesting you follow in Jack’s ruthless footsteps, but you should always be aware of individual staff performance, and continually encourage them to raise the bar.

The bottom line? You can’t buy peak employee productivity, but you can earn it. Keep these nine tips in mind, and we guarantee you’ll see positive movement within your staff performance levels.

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