How to Improve Marketing Strategy Using Surveys
- Written by Chloe Taylor

Every business owner knows how important marketing is. However, there are more than a few ways to go about forming your marketing strategies. Many marketers will disagree on what the best approach is. However, there is one thing for sure. Every marketing campaign is intended for people. What better way to find out which approach to take than by asking your target market directly? Luckily, this is done much more easily nowadays using surveys. Online surveys can be deployed within seconds and they can be aimed at specific groups of people, depending on what you want to find out. The results serve as extremely valuable data that can drive the development of your ideal marketing strategy. Here is everything you need to know about using surveys as part of your marketing.
Get useful testimonials
Testimonials are a really important part of running any business as they allow you to establish a decent level of credibility. Social proof has been shown to influence over 80% of buying decisions. Surveys not only provide you with valuable data, but they can also give you quotes from actual people which you can use as testimonials if you ask for their permission. This is usually acquired through product satisfaction surveys. Make sure to leave space for writing full answers so that people can actually provide their opinion.
Gain credibility from your research
There is nothing quite like well-documented research. Many people like to quote useful research findings which entails giving full credit to the original research authors. This is true both in the scientific but also business marketing community. More and more companies are developing entire communities around their brand and they are doing so by providing free content. This is also known as creating lead magnets. Anything from article pieces to video and audio content is going to
Get to know your audience
Before delving deeper into the development of any marketing campaign try to learn who your audience is first. This is a really valuable step to take because you will be able to guide your campaign with much more precision and efficiency. Surveys come in really handy here because you can ask your audience what you truly want to find out. There are two main types of questions to ask here. Demographic questions will help you establish things such as education, age gender, employment, race or ethnic background, and location. Behavioral questions will deal with the psychological profile of your clients. Here you can ask about buying preferences, values, and habits. Survey expertized software can help you arrange all of these questions and perform a comprehensive analysis of the data in order to gain powerful insights into who your audience truly is. This will allow you to create truly specialized marketing campaigns that will hit the nail on the head.
Improve your website
Your website is your modern-day visit card. It is a lead generation machine and it should have maximum conversion rates. However, in order to get there, you will need to fine-tune your website’s performance. Following the site’s metrics is useful to an extent but it always leaves you wondering what the people truly want out of your webpage. There is no better way to find out than by asking them directly. You can implement a prompt that asks your visitors to leave feedback. Just make sure to make these surveys as short and unobtrusive as possible. Do this and you will be able to uncover any technical or user experience issues with your website.
Imagine how credible your content could be if your own original research backed it up. If you really drive the point home with your evidence you could expect to be quoted all over the internet. This will provide you with more clients and you will be able to establish your brand as an authority in the field.
Improve your product
Doing product research surveys accounts for up to 14% of the top 10 marketing surveys. And they rank in the top 3 because they are essential for refining your product and marketing it down the line. This takes a good understanding of how your customers interact with and use your product. You can ask how important a given feature is. Try to discover if it is easy to use. In addition, ask your clients what new features they would like to see in the future as well as how their overall experience was using the product.
Successful marketing is done in a rather methodical and research-intensive way. This is because genuine data is very powerful and it helps to maximize the efficacy of your marketing campaigns. You too can optimize how you market if your implement surveys. They will help you: collect useful testimonials, gain credibility from your original research, learn more about your audience, improve your website, and refine your product.