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Seize digital opportunities and mitigate cyber threats with SGS Cybersecurity Services

  • Written by PR Newswire
Seize digital opportunities and mitigate cyber threats with SGS Cybersecurity Services

GENEVA, March 9, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- SGS, the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company, helps clients seize digital opportunities while mitigating risks with its SGS Cybersecurity Services, an integrated cybersecurity solution.



A global threat

Technology has many benefits. It makes people's lives safer and more convenient, increases health potential, and offers new experiences at work, home and when traveling. But there are significant challenges too. When technology is misused it can create vulnerabilities, is hard to predict, and can have a negative impact on people's everyday lives. For companies, cybercrime can have catastrophic effects such as data and privacy breaches, leading to financial damage and reputational destruction.

In order to confront this evolving cybersecurity landscape, governments and stakeholders around the world are working on establishing new standards and regulations.

It is imperative for organizations to increase their cybersecurity maturity to sustain their market position. A cyber-secure culture needs to be embedded and processes and protocols should be developed to support it. This can take time, but criminals will not wait, and so prompt action is required.

A trusted partner

This is where SGS Cybersecurity Services come in. As a trusted partner, SGS uses in-depth knowledge and expertise in cybersecurity – from transistors to cloud solutions – to enable customers to raise their security maturity to the level required to meet challenges.

SGS Cybersecurity Services are built on three pillars with the opportunity to tailor deliverables based on specific industry needs, such as those for the consumer IoT, medical device, semiconductor, automotive and industrial sectors:

  1. Training on regulations, standards, state-of-the art attacks and associated countermeasures, including insights on best practices and detailed technical topics such as side-channel and fault analysis attacks
  2. Assessment of hardware, software, networks, crypto and secure management systems covering the entire technology stack of digitally interconnected solutions
  3. Certification, where focus is given on conformity assessments against existing and future standards and regulations

A 3-step approach is used to support clients in their aim to enhance their cybersecurity capabilities:

  • Step one: a comprehensive cybersecurity gap analysis of organizational structures and processes, skill sets, as well as digital products and services
  • Step two: based on the analysis from Step 1, an action plan and roadmap are developed and implemented together with the client, addressing and closing identified gaps, accompanied by training, audits, reviews and security assessments
  • Step three: having implemented all the defined tasks in Step 2, effectiveness will be demonstrated by conformity assessments performed internally or by independent third parties

SGS Cybersecurity Services help to increase security maturity through customization and its comprehensive approach. Clients can be assured, and reassure their customers, of their cybersecurity levels, enabling a better, safer and more interconnected world.

For further information, please visit our webpage[1].

About SGS

SGS is the world's leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company. SGS is recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than 89,000 employees, SGS operates a network of over 2,600 offices and laboratories around the world.

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