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5 Tips to Hire Talent Post the Coronavirus Pandemic

  • Written by News Company

The current COVID-19 pandemic has created an uncertain future for many people. Although governments around the world have worked hard to maintain stability, there is little doubt that jobs will be lost as the global economy faces a downturn, bordering on the financial crisis of 2008.

This gives employers a serious issue. The number of people applying for jobs will increase as people become desperate for work. That makes it harder to find the best talent for a position.

Fortunately, the following 5 tips will help to ensure you hire talent post the coronavirus pandemic.

  1. Use An Agency

Social distancing measures are causing more people to work from home. However, this is not an option for all roles. Of course, interviewing hundred of different people for a role means you’ll be increasing the risk of you coming into contact with the infection. It will also be time-consuming. It takes time to advertise, review applications, interview, and train the right candidate. Especially if they turn out to be the wrong candidate.

A good agency, specializing in civil laborer jobs or the role you’re looking for, will handle all of this for you, simply supplying you with qualified, experienced, and professional talent.

  1. Digital Interviews

If you feel the need to speak directly to all potential candidates then it’s time to go digital. You can contact any potential employee or contractor via a digital app and ask the relevant questions.

This will also provide you with a good opportunity to assess what they are like under pressure by asking difficult questions. Conducting interviews via digital technology also gives you a chance to see the people in their own environment, which can tell you a lot about them.

  1. Look Inward

To help minimize recruitment time and find talent without risk, it’s a good idea to check with your existing workforce. It’s highly likely that they will already be aware of a suitable candidate. The best part is that your existing workforce is unlikely to recommend someone unless they feel they really will be beneficial.

If they’re not, it will reflect badly on the existing employee.

You may also find that an existing employee wants a promotion and is well suited to the role, reducing the training issues.

  1. Remote Working

As mentioned, this is not always an option. But, if your employees can work from home then you can expand your search area and find workers from across the globe.

You’ll need to verify who they are and have a good digital contact app, as well as a means of checking they are fulfilling the role properly. But, once you have these in place you’ll find that remote working is a great way to get the very best talent available.

  1. Social Media

Even if you’re not looking for staff you never know when you may need them. Staying active on social media is important for building brand recognition. But, it is also a great way to keep in touch with the industry and monitor the top players.

You may be able to approach these people digitally and poach them when you need to hire the very best talent available.

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