Business Daily Media

What Are The Steps of Conversion Rate Optimisation

If you have been actively sending emails to your clients but are still wondering why they won’t convert, you have come to the right page. Let’s get a crash course down in understanding as well as acing the steps of conversion rate optimisation, but first, 

What Is Conversion Rate Optimisation?

Conversion rate optimisation, or CRO in layman’s terms, is the act of increasing user action on your emails. These actions can be clicking the email, opening a certain page, spending time browsing the product and lastly, adding and buying the product. Even filling out the pop-up form also counts in CRO. But how can you make your customer perform certain actions on the Email that may count as CRO? Here’s a simple summary with brief yet comprehensible steps to help you engage your customers and increase CRO.

Easy Steps To Conversion Rate Optimisation

1. Understand You WHY!

Research and testing both go hand in hand, but before you get into all that and more, understand why you need CRO. What is the purpose, and what are the actions you need to take to promote your business? These can be anything from campaign leads to engaging more subscribers to get new followers to getting the clients to add to the cart and buy a certain product. 

Your big goal is to get the customer to buy the product but to get there, you also need to focus on your micro-conversions, like clicking the email open to get to the product you want to sell. To understand these subtle things, you will need research on both qualitative and quantitative data analysis. 

2. Hypothesize

The research and data you will gather with the help of our qualitative and quantitative analysis will help you carry out a successful hypothesis. For example, removing extra details from the sign-up will make the clients sign up quickly and efficiently, or using visuals will make the client click on the email and then use simple text CTAs.

3. Know Which Hypothesis To Prioritise

Once you get to the hypothesis, you will have a ton of options and suggestions, but which should you test first? Well, that depends on the PIE framework

  • P for Potential: How much can you improve to get the desired results?
  • I for Importance: Is this improvement worth the time and effort, i.e. is it valuable?
  • E for Ease: how easy is the test, and how much time will it take?

With the help of the PIE framework, you will easily know which hypothesis you should go for first.

4. Let’s Get Cracking

Without testing and experimenting, you will get nowhere. So, your next step is to put all your research and hypotheses to the test. You can also use the A/B testing to see which experiments run better. Later, use the results of these to carry out your CRO.

5. Test, Learn, Experiment Some More 

The more you test, the better you will learn, so keep it going till you reach your desired results. The best part about testing is that it doesn’t hinder your emailing schedule, so you can test your emails and engage customers at the same time. Keep a keen track of all the changes that were successful during the testing period and take it from there. Learning and understanding customer behaviour will help you reach your goals with CRO.

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