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Business Marketing


5 Strategies for Hosting a Customer-Centric Event

Today’s customers are vastly different from their counterparts from yesteryear.

The expectations on product, price, material choice, and customer service have skyrocketed in recent years. People want their purchasing choices to do more in the world than just like the pockets of corporations.

Online and word-of-mouth reviews can destroy businesses in a matter of hours.

Businesses that neglect customer satisfaction will not last in today’s modern market. Many businesses are hosting customer-centric events to make their customers feel valued.

Below are five of the top strategies for how to do that successfully:

1. Length

People are busy. Everyone has a life and something to get back to.

Instead of assuming your customers are willing to dedicate five hours of their lives to your event, scale the length back a bit.

Customer events should be a maximum of two hours, but preferably less than that. 

2. Format

Live events do much better than those with pre-recorded content.

One of the theories for this is that it transports many of us back to our schooldays when we didn’t pay enough attention to what was on the screen in science class. Other theories are simpler – live events are more entertaining.

Live events should be planned well in advance to avoid technical hiccups and give you enough time to hire performers, limos, and speakers.

3. Inclusive Planning

Being inclusive is so essential to customer functions.

The last thing you want to do is alienate your customers because they have specific dietary requirements for religious reasons.

Incorporate diversity into your planning – including accessibility for differently-abled attendees.

Read this article on planning a successful event that keeps your customer’s best interests at heart.

4. Set Goals

As with most projects on any scale, you must set goals.

That is the only way to be able to measure the success of the event. Be clear and concise so that all employees understand what you hope to achieve.

Some examples of clearly defined goals include exposing customers to new products or educating them on specific services.

5. Content

The content you use to advertise your event, including invitations and social media posts, will mean the difference between an outstanding event and a total flop.

You must choose content that will compel your customers to attend. Keep the theme of the event educational, yet fun.

You should also consider handing out free swag if possible. If you are going to give away free stuff or conduct a lucky draw, feature those points in the pre-event advertisements.

To End

You can run a highly successful event on a moderate budget so do not think you need to break the bank to do this. The amount you spend will be determined by how much you can do in-house.

Common expenses to include in your budget include food, beverages, entertainment, signage, and promotional products.

Lastly, one final thought to take away before you start planning your event – have existing customers share their success stories, people love hearing good news.

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