Business Daily Media

7 golden etiquette to impress your client at the next meeting

To make a client meeting successful is so much more than giving a good pitch and a PowerPoint presentation. Statistics have shown that since 2000, the time spent in corporate meetings has been rising from 8% to 10% yearly.

During these meetings, you'll have to impress your clients and show them why they should choose your brands. So, if you wish to know some useful etiquette that instantly charms any client, let's get started!

  1. Dress properly

You might think dressing properly means wearing a crisp suit and combing your hair neatly. But there is more to it!

To dress professionally, you must wear clothes appropriate to the occasion and make sure that the colors you choose also resonate well with the overall ambiance of the meeting.

For example, if there's a board meeting with a client where you need to address an unforeseen problem, you wouldn't wish to dress up in bright, neon colors. Ensure that you pay attention to accessories, such as jewelry or bags.

  1. Maintain personal hygiene

When it comes to dressing well, you have to ensure that you maintain hygiene. This includes showering before the meeting, applying perfume, and choosing pressed clothes.

Remember, when you smell great, you give out a positive aura. Ensure your breath smells great, especially if the meeting is scheduled after lunch.

Carry breath mints and a bottle of pocket perfume wherever you go. This ensures you don't end up in an awkward situation where people scrunch their noses during your presentation!

  1. Keep a stack of business cards ready

If you have to pitch your products to a potential client, you'll have to do whatever it takes to make a great first impression. Business cards are a great way to ensure your clients remember you long after the meeting.

You can either go for conventional paper-based cards or opt for something more sleek and classy, such as metal ones.

In today's era, most businesses prefer going digital, so metal-based business cards are a great alternative. Even if you choose a paper business card, make it look creative and interactive!

  1. Practice active listening

Even if you're the most important speaker on the meeting panel, you must practice active listening. It's one of the best ways to show your clients you care about their opinions.

Active listening is when you give full attention to the client's words instead of becoming defensive or focusing elsewhere. Some things to practice while active listening are nodding and making eye contact.

Unfortunately, most business owners are busy attending to calls or scrolling on their phones during client meetings. This can give a negative impression about the entire company.

  1. Ask the right questions

Just as listening attentively is important, you must also ask the right questions at the right time. When you ask your clients questions that matter, they understand that you've been listening to them the entire time.

Avoid asking too many questions right after the meeting ends because the client will probably become flustered.

Instead, ask for small snippets throughout the meeting, but make sure you don't take extra time. If that's not possible, consider sending a follow-up email with all your questions collated properly,

  1. Greet them properly

Right before the meeting starts, greet everyone with a firm handshake and a professional smile. This includes not only your clients but also your colleagues and fellow presenters. Also, good eye contact goes a long way.

However, ensure you don't look too stoic or tightly wound, as that will give the impression that you're faking it.

Be genuine, but make sure you maintain professionalism. People want to know that you're talking to them, and these small gestures of affirmation before the meeting prove that your company is committed to its clients.

  1. Assign a note taker

During any client meeting, there have to be two key roles present: one of a leader and the other of a note-taker.

If you're the leader, you'll know how to address the audience and attend to the details of the meeting.

But there also needs to be a note-taker present who will keep writing or typing short notes throughout the meeting.

It's generally preferable to keep two note-takers so that one can cover up if the other person has missed out on anything important.

After the meeting is over, consult with the note-takers and create a comprehensive moment of meeting or MOM.


These are some of the basic things you'll need to remember before you go to the next client meeting. Just follow these steps, and you'll surely create a grand impression!

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