Why Web Design Matters for Your Business

Web design significantly impacts how your target audience sees and responds to your brand. When prospective clients and customers visit your business website, their first impression can make them stay or leave. Your website's look, feel, ease of use, and functionality make it a make-or-break affair. Good web design ensures visitors stay a while, learn about your business, and convert into customers. Here are some reasons why web design matters.
First Impressions Count
The prospective customer's first interaction with your website is critical. Think of your physical business premises, and consider your website your digital storefront. People go the extra mile to build a reception area, display shelves, and signage. When visitors land on your site, they form an immediate impression of your brand. About 94% of website users quickly click away from a poorly designed website. A great-looking physical business enjoys credibility. It's the same with a good web design; it gives your business credibility.
User Experience
Websites are more than platforms for giving visitors information. Some can be extremely difficult to navigate, while others have too many hoops to jump over to get what they need. Even though your website's design is impressive, users should find it easy and memorable. Keep things simple and classy. Place important tabs where they can be easily found, and ensure all links are active. Use simple language, and don't have too many pop-ups, as these can be distracting. Use legible fonts and colors that are pleasant to the eye. Do you get the drift? It's always the "small" things that make the greatest difference!
Good web design should give users a positive experience. They should be able to navigate around it easily, have clear calls to action, and have a responsive design that adapts to different devices (smartphones, tablets, desktops). The goal is to make it easy for your users to find what they're looking for within seconds of landing on your website. This is a great way to enhance customer satisfaction and retention.
Brand Identity
Your website is the face of your business. It's where your identity speaks loudest. It should consistently reflect your brand's identity and values. Use logos, colors, and typography that reinforce brand recognition and create a memorable experience for visitors. While at it, regularly update your content, especially when there's a significant change in your business, like a rebrand, a pivot, or a management change. Ensure these changes are promptly reflected on your website. Nothing turns off web visitors faster than stale content.
Website designs get stale with time, so even if there's no change worth writing home about, consider switching things up occasionally. 62% of digital marketing experts agree that a business website needs a redesign every two to three years to keep visitors engaged and to keep up with relevant, beneficial, recent website trends. Keep things consistent with your brand and overall messaging with each redesign. Your customers should still be able to recognize that it's you.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
SEO is more than just pasting your content with as many keywords as possible. That's what Google calls keyword spamming (or stuffing). Search engines like Google have an algorithm that prioritizes websites with excellent user experiences and responsive designs. Good web design practices, such as fast loading times and mobile-friendly layouts, can positively impact your SEO rankings. So, give yourself the best chance at winning the SEO race by incorporating these necessary design and functionality aspects to propel your website and, in turn, your business forward.
The more search engines index your website, the more eyeballs it attracts and the more sales you'll likely get. Add digital advertising to the mix to reach and interact with your target audience without much struggle. Keep in mind that you're likely to get 76 times more interactions from your most engaged web visitors for your online advertised products and services.
Competitive Advantage
Orbelo Statistics reports that up to 33.3% of the global population shops online regularly and that in 2023, that number has risen by 1.3%, meaning 80 million more people have joined the craze. Catering to this huge customer base are about 37 million online shops and businesses. A visually appealing and user-friendly website sets you apart from competitors in a crowded online marketplace and helps establish your authority and credibility in the industry.
Web design matters, especially if your business is keen to connect with customers, promote trust, credibility, and drive sales. Many professional companies have a proven track record of creating user-friendly, responsive, and appealing websites. Hire one to change the design of your website every two to three years to stay fresh and trendy.