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6 Raw Materials Commonly Used in Automotive Industry

  • Written by Patrick Watt

Today, there are many raw materials that are used by the automotive industry in the making of a car. These materials enhance the durability and safety of the vehicle. Over the past few years, there have been numerous campaigns about environmental conservation. The automotive industry seeks to conserve the environment by using eco-friendly and quality materials that improve the efficiency of vehicles. Some of the common raw materials used in the automotive industry include;


This raw material is one of the most common raw materials in the automotive industry as it is used in making many car parts. These parts are door handles, air vents, dashboards, to mention but a few. In recent years there has been a rise in consumer demand for lightweight and fuel-efficient vehicles, and this can only be found in cars that have incorporated plastic as a raw material.


Yes, glass is also a raw material used in the automotive industry. Glass is used to make side mirrors, rearview mirrors, car windows, windshields, and many other parts. Automotive industries have implemented innovative methods where they use laminated glass for the safety of the occupants in the vehicle.


Steel is strong and possesses impact strength. Owing to automotive techs, there have been several breakthroughs in regards to steel that make it an ideal raw material for use in the making of any vehicle. These developments have made steel lightweight and improved its performance on a vehicle. Some of the parts made of steel in a vehicle include door handles, the vehicle body (because of its strength), exhaust pipes, and the engine. This steel can also be used along with anti-rust oil spray to maintain durability.


Rubber is widely used in the automotive industry. Rubber is used to make various belts in the car, wiper blades, and seals on car doors and engines, among many other parts.


This metal is used in high-temperature zones and is very durable. However, most automobiles prefer steel to titanium. This metal is mostly used by automobiles that have the goal of producing high-end and aesthetic vehicles.


Aluminium is a lighter material compared to steel. Also, aluminium is durable and boosts the performance of any vehicle. Some of the car components made of aluminium include brake components, steering components (steering shafts), and wheels.


The automotive industry is constantly evolving. There are numerous inventions that make the above raw materials achieve a higher quality so that they can be used to effectively build cars. Also, the inventions lead to increased safety within the automotive industry. The automotive industry evaluates the economic effects of the raw materials before incorporating them into any car. Economic effectiveness directly influences consumer demand. Also, the automotive industry seeks to incorporate recyclable materials in the making of cars so as to play their part in environmental conservation. Now you have the knowledge to help you know what vehicle to choose and know what materials it is made of.

About the Author

Patrick Watt is a content writer, writing in several areas, primarily in business growth, value creation, M&A, and finance. His other interests include content marketing and self-development. Say hi to Patrick on Twitter @patrickwattpat.

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