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A Comprehensive Guide To Hiring a VP of AI For Your Organization

  • Written by Business Daily Media

The apprehensions about robots taking up jobs have been a longstanding concern. However, the phenomenal expansion of the global AI (Artificial Intelligence) market has opened up the scope for strong AI leadership. This growth has maximized the prevalence of the chief AI officer or a VP of AI role in multiple companies, which indicates that there is a need for dedicated AI expertise.

Currently, this role is mostly present in companies that are proactively engaged in technology-related initiatives. The retail brand Levis announced the appointment of a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) in 2019. However, the total number of organizations who are welcoming this role is rather small, which means collecting comprehensive data about its growth is challenging.

But experts share that since AI is being used widely across multiple industries, the “VP of AI” role is all set to gain traction. According to Joshua Meier, the Chief AI Officer at Absci, businesses that recognize potential opportunities in AI would likely benefit from having this role.

An Overview of Hiring a VP of AI

In February 2023, Fast Company reported that it is complex to hire a VP of AI or a Chief AI Officer (CAIO) because of AI’s versatile nature. A standardized approach will not work here. Think of the multiple ways in which CAIOs or VPs of AI at prominent corporations can approach the use of AI.

For instance, Walmart's CAIO might wish to leverage AI to improve personalized shopping experiences by suggesting products based on in-store interactions, customers' online browsing history, and previous purchases. 

GE might, on the other hand, use AI to automate repetitive tasks, like monitoring and adjusting the production lines, for cost reduction and enhanced efficiency. Similarly, the CAIO of Bank of America might decide to use AI in real-time for detecting and averting all fraudulent activities to reduce the risks of financial losses.

Irrespective of the industry, certain aspects will remain constant. The VP of AI can assist businesses in proactively embracing advancements by pinpointing areas within their operational pipelines where AI can be effectively employed. The role is well-suited to identify novel growth opportunities and foster innovation, leveraging the distinctive power of AI that may have otherwise gone unnoticed by the company. Their leadership position grants them the ability to drive organizational change from the top, ensuring the agility necessary to maintain competitiveness.

SPMB states that, compared to the conventional responsibilities of a Vice President of Product, this role requires the integration of design within an AI-driven environment characterized by a continuous and dynamic learning cycle that needs ongoing data adjustments. The individual occupying this position must possess adaptability and a strong focus on iteration, monitoring, and ongoing improvement. Considering all these intricacies, a robust technical background becomes an even more critical skill set to possess.

Hiring the Correct AI Leader: The Essential Guidelines

Harvard Business Review states that choosing the correct AI leader will improve the scope of success for a company if the selection is correct. Some of the essential traits to look for while hiring a VP of AI or Chief AI Officer are:

  • A Good Grasp of Data Infrastructure and AI

The AI leader needs to have practical experience in developing and deploying substantial machine learning systems. In today’s AI era, the effective organization and safe accessibility of a company's databases, known as data infrastructure, hold ample significance. Along with data infrastructure skills, possessing proficiency in the subject is equally crucial.

  • Capacity to Work Cross-Functionally

AI, in itself, is not a business entity or standalone product. Instead, it functions as a fundamental technology with the potential to improve existing business operations and facilitate the development of new business lines or products. Hence, having the capability to understand and collaborate with multiple business units or functional teams is imperative in harnessing the full potential of AI.

  • Good Intrapreneurial  Skills

AI generates scopes to come up with new products, ranging from advanced speakers to self-driving cars, that weren't possible a few years back. Therefore, a leader who can take charge of intrapreneurial initiatives will add to the success of your organization in coming up with innovations that add value to the world.

Finally, the AI leader should have the skill to attract and also retain the correct AI talent. They can accomplish this by introducing interesting projects and providing the team members with the scope of developing their skill set.


In an increasingly AI-dependent world, companies need to establish a well-defined AI strategy to maintain competitiveness. The CAIO or the VP of AI plays a pivotal role in developing this strategy, allowing companies to effectively position themselves for sustained success in the long run.

A competent AI leader must have prior experience in working with and managing AI teams. They should be able to collaborate across functions and showcase strong business acumen, which will help in the long run. They also need to adapt to the current AI tools to cater to the particular needs of an organization.

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