Business Daily Media

Towards Stronger Tourism and Private Sector Development in the Pacific

  • Written by Alisi Lutu

The South Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) today signed a Memorandum Of Understanding (MoU) with the Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisation (PIPSO).

SPTO and PIPSO share common interests in developing tourism and private sector growth in the Pacific region and have identified areas where the two organisations can work together to promote and develop a joint strategic way forward in the region.

This partnership is an undertaking between SPTO and PIPSO to work together to promote tourism and private sector development in the South Pacific in a manner that is both sustainable and brings economic growth and social benefits to the region.

Furthermore, the partnership aims to achieve this through combining the resources, networks and experiences of SPTO and PIPSO and at the same time leveraging their respective memberships in the region.

According to PIPSO's newly elected Chairperson Howard Politini, partnerships are extremely important.

“Partnerships hold the highest potential for most efficient resource management, efficiency and broader creativity and innovation especially in the tourism sector which offers visitors to our beautiful Pacific islands a special, enjoyable experience every time they visit,” said Mr Politini.

He added that the diverse need for skills and related commercial activities make the tourism industry a real economic bedrock for the region.

The MoU would ensure;

  • Tourism and private sector development in the region in areas of mutual interests, including, but not limited to policy development, research, marketing, investment, sustainable tourism development (including initiatives on energy efficiency and climate change) and private sector capacity development including that which has an impact on tourism,
  • Establishing the status of the private sector tourism businesses in the region,
  • Development programmes and activities for small and medium enterprise (SME) tourism private sector development in the region
  • Joint innovative opportunities for joint donor funding, project proposals, and private sector membership opportunities, to benefit the members of both organisations.

SPTO's Chairlady Papalii Matatamalii Sonja Hunter stated that SPTO has a long standing working relationship with PIPSO and the partnership will build a stronger tourism and private sector in the region.

“The SPTO has worked with PIPSO in past years and with this MOU we will formalise a partnership that will build stronger tourism and private sector development in the region. Our tourism private sector are the backbone of our industry and the engines of our economies,” said Mrs. Hunter.

She added that it is critical to align programmes and activities for the industry drivers.

“Therefore, it is critical that aligning our programmes and activities for our industry drivers with PIPSO will enhance delivery at a regional and country level. We are excited to partake in this partnership with PIPSO, and look forward to the many mutual benefits for our members in the region,” she said.

Both SPTO and PIPSO through the MoU hope to see sustainable tourism and private sector development in the region.

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