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A Guide for E-Commerce Business Owners: How to Secure Your Online Store

  • Written by News Co

Do you want your web-based retail marketplace to rub shoulders with the likes of Amazon and eBay in the not-so-distant future? If your e-commerce business is to scale these lofty heights over the next five-year period, it’s imperative that you go above and beyond to keep it safe. You aren’t going to get very far with your expansion endeavor if you fail to secure your online store, which is why you should heed the following advice.

Here are three things you can do to fend off dangerous cybercrime attacks in the e-commerce industry:

Set strong passwords

Anybody that has access to the backend of your online store must practice good countersign hygiene. In layman’s terms, they must set strong passwords! Once you and your employees perform this all-important task, hackers will find it increasingly difficult to gain access to your important business data. Ultimately, this will help you protect the customer information that you store, which will help you in your bid to cultivate a trustworthy brand for your e-commerce company.

Here are three things you must do to set strong yet memorable passwords:

1. Never use information that would be easy to decipher (your company name and/or motto, for instance)

2. Make sure each of your employees uses a unique password

3. Invest in a robust password management solution

Align yourself with an expert development partner

The e-commerce development partner that you align yourself with will profoundly affect your business’s ongoing safety. If you’re serious about shoring up your store for years to come, it’s imperative that you find yourself a company that prides itself on its long-term security solutions.

Magecloud more than fit the bill in this instance. With this magento agency chester by your side, you will have the capacity to work robust cybercrime prevention features into your store’s actual design. This will aid you in your attempt to deter hackers and scammers, and, as an added bonus, it will also help you to improve your site’s overall user experience.

Make use of HTTPS

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure, commonly referred to as HTTPS, is something that you must take advantage of if you’re serious about protecting your store. This protocol for secure online communications will keep your site safe against man-in-the-middle (MitM) attacks. In turn, this will help to safeguard your sensitive consumer data over a sustained period of time. To find out more about HTTPS and how you stand to benefit from it, be sure to check out this insightful article on the matter.

What’s the point in working hard to build a reputable brand image for yourself only to let a lowlife cybercriminal tarnish it? If you want to take your e-commerce business to the next level, you must make an effort to secure your online store. Put the advice and guidance laid out above into practice, and you’ll be sure to do just that.

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