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How Law Firms Are Reinventing Themselves To Improve Their Online Presence

  • Written by a Guest Writer

The advent of modern technology has opened up a lot of new ways for law firms to reach their clients. An improved online presence means the possibility of more inquirers coming in. The reality is that most people nowadays get their information online, and a legal firm with an improved web presence has the edge over the others. The easier it is for people to find a family law firm, the more chances of scoring a big case, or landing a huge client. Here are some ways that law offices are reinventing themselves to improve their online visibility.

Online Appointments

Scroll through any tech-savvy law firm website these days, and one of the first things you’ll find is the button that sets up an online appointment with a lawyer. Some go for the simple route by allowing you to send an email to their attorneys through their site. Others are more complicated and user-oriented, with a dedicated staff on hand ready to answer your questions. Chat boxes are especially popular for legal firm websites.

The ability to set up an online appointment makes it easier for clients to reach you. Its purpose isn’t really to provide a full, comprehensive answer to a customer’s issues. Most digital meetings will only give basic advice, with the caveat that a real-life consultation should be set up in the future. Despite this, online appointments are becoming exceedingly popular, probably because potential clients value how easy it is to contact the lawyer and answer their problems.

Virtual Meeting Rooms

These days you don’t even need to go to the lawyer’s office for a meeting. You can do it all in the comfort of your home. It is especially helpful for clients who are litigating a case in a faraway area and are keen to save money. It also benefits new inquirers, some of whom may not have the time to meet in person. The wonders of internet connectivity and video conferencing have made this possible, which could be a useful trick up a law firm’s sleeve.

Better Support and More Informative Content

Today, most law firms don’t just post information about their lawyers and specialization. Many of them will also provide information about the law and cases on their website. The purpose of this is two-fold.

First, it convinces readers and possible clients about how knowledgeable the attorneys are in a particular field. It’s the new equivalent of researching legal practitioners. In the past decade, lawyers got on mostly through word of mouth, but with the internet, they’re now able to showcase their learning and experience.

Secondly, the more information a site contains, the higher it will index during search engine results. A legal firm high up a portal will attract more clients than one that is further down below. Search engine optimization is often utilized by law offices these days to ensure that they stay relevant in browser results.

Social Media Presence

Another avenue of possibility when it comes to improving online presence is having a social media account. There are several benefits to doing so, but the most important is that it allows you to interact with current and potential clients quickly. Studies have shown that some people are less intimidated by firms when contacting them through social media.

Social media can also be a tool for boosting a law firm’s publicity, such as when your office is handling a large case, and the official statements are coursed through it. Lastly, a social media account is often a good barometer of how many people know of your legal business -- the more following on social accounts, the better.

Video Content and Guides

Some law firms have found that it’s easier to attract site visitors by posting video content. The content of these videos varies widely. Many of them feature testimonials from successful litigants. Some legal firms also include question and answer style videos for their visitors and subscribers. Guides are also increasingly popular. These can consist of necessary forms or essential guides on cases.


In today’s fast-paced world, staying relevant is everything. Ever conservative and staid institutions like law firms have to keep up with the changing times. The need to reinvent one’s self is now more critical than ever. The ideas above are all helpful for any legal firm looking to improve their online presence.

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