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Josh Frydenberg and finance mogul Peter Switzer answer Job Keeper questions of everyday Australians

  • Written by Peter Switzer

Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg joined Peter Switzer on Switzer TV to answer some common questions about the government stimulus package in plain English, submitted by everyday Australians.

Many self-funded retirees, business owners and other Australians have submitted questions to Peter, via his online platforms, showing an accessibility gap in information for this demographic, who popularly engage with Peter’s content.

The Treasurer shared several practical explanations like who can access Job Keeper, where they can apply, how superannuation is assessed and how to understand tax and cash flow boost.

In addition, the Treasurer answered a few circumstantial/situational questions, including:

“Peter Switzer: Can you do casual work and keep your Job Keeper payment (eg, driving cabs on the side)?

Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg: You can and obviously you’ve got to work through your employer. But we’re not wanting people to earn less we’re wanting them to earn more”; and:

“Peter Switzer: I’ve worked for someone for 3 years. I stopped working for 3 months, I’ve come back for 4 months. I don’t pass the 12-month test as a casual worker. Does the fact I’ve been there for a long period of time give me any compensation?

Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg: No again, we go with the Fair Work concept. It’s an established concept of having regular and systematic connections to your employer for 12 months.”

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