Business Daily Media

Strategies for Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

  • Written by Dr Skye Charry, Chief Consultant S.A.C. Consulting Australia A/Prof (Law), University of New England

Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace has never been more critical. Recent amendments to the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 emphasise that businesses must take 'reasonable and proportionate measures' to address sexual harassment. Failure to comply can lead to significant legal, reputational, and financial consequences. This underscores the need for businesses to establish robust strategies that are tailored to their unique environments.

Here is a practical guide to developing effective strategies to prevent sexual harassment, applicable to various workplace settings:

Develop and Enforce a Clear, Tailored Sexual Harassment Policy

A clear and tailored policy is foundational in preventing workplace harassment. This policy should define what sexual harassment is- and is not. It should also provide concrete examples to help all staff reach a high level of awareness. It must outline the reporting procedures and the various consequences of policy breaches. Importantly, the policy should reflect the unique characteristics and structure of the workplace to be relevant and effective.

Regular and Relevant Training

All employees and leaders should be provided with regular and meaningful training to ensure they are able to recognise, prevent, and report harassment and related harm. Training should be relevant to the specific challenges of the workplace. For example, if workers are frequently engaged in high-pressure scenarios, this element should be considered in the training. All training must be, sensitively designed and delivered, ideally including practical scenarios and opportunities for discussion.

Foster a Supportive Culture

Creating a respectful, safe and thriving workplace culture is essential. Leaders play a critical role in setting the tone for the team. Leaders can model healthy behaviour and actively support individuals who may need to report harassment. By fostering an environment where employees feel safe and supported, businesses can encourage more open communication and proactive reporting.

Establish Confidential Reporting Mechanisms

Employees should have access to confidential reporting mechanisms for the safe and dignified disclosure of sexual harassment. These systems may include various options for reporting to ensure that employees feel as comfortable as possible coming forward.

Empower Bystanders and Witnesses

Employees should be encouraged to be proactive in addressing and reporting harassment at grassroots level. Training can be provided to help employees sharpen their practical tools for natural intervention, and this can significantly enhance prevention efforts. In fact, the provision of training in dialogue tools and support mechanisms can be especially effective in environments where employees may know each other personally (e.g. mates working alongside mates).

Address Power Dynamics

Strategies should be developed to ensure that all employees feel safe and supported, regardless of their role or status within the company. This is important in environments with pronounced hierarchical structures, because employees may feel hesitant to report harassment due to concerns about their position or relationships within the organisation.

Preventing sexual harassment in the workplace requires a carefully considered, holistic approach. The keys to eliminating sexual harassment include the combination of clear policies, regular training, a supportive culture, confidential reporting mechanisms and community engagement. By implementing these strategies, businesses can not only comply with legal requirements but also foster a positive and respectful workplace environment. As the landscape of workplace safety evolves, proactive and tailored measures are critical for the safety, wellbeing and belonging of all.

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