Business Daily Media

Transforming My Business: The Power of Coaching and Trusted Advisors

  • Written by Shane Hiscock, Founder of Locate Buyers Agency

The role of a trusted advisor in any business is invaluable. I’ve always believed in the importance of guidance and expertise, and my journey with a life coach has only reinforced this belief. As the founder of Locate Buyers Agency in Brisbane, I’ve experienced firsthand how professional coaching can turn around a business and kickstart new ideas and new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

One of the most significant realisations I’ve had in my career is the importance of taking advice. I was determined to bring experts who excelled in various areas on board and then listen to what they were telling me, good and bad. I knew that while all the final decisions rested with me, having someone to bounce ideas off and provide critical feedback was invaluable. A massive percentage of our success can be attributed to when I started working with life coach and mentor Jacob Galea.

My journey with Jacob began in 2020, just after the onset of COVID-19. I contacted him, and we had a conversation about what he offered and what I wanted to achieve. It was clear from the beginning that Jacob’s approach was exactly what I needed. His ability to understand my vision and align it with actionable strategies was impressive. We decided to work together, and it’s been a transformative partnership.

Our sessions, a vital part of my routine, take place every two weeks when Jacob flies up from Sydney for our one-and-a-half to two-hour meetings. These sessions are not just meetings but deep dives into my business, mindset, and goals. Jacob’s structured approach ensures that every session is productive and leaves me with new insights and a clear direction.

Jacob identifies key themes from our discussions and shifts my perspective on critical issues. His insights have been invaluable, helping me see things from different angles and often highlighting areas I hadn’t considered.

Jacob’s coaching has profoundly impacted my mindset. He has a unique talent for re-energising and motivating me, especially during challenging times. His insights into my thinking processes have been eye-opening. Each session with Jacob feels like a journey into my own mindset, revealing patterns and opportunities for growth that I might otherwise miss.

Two years ago, my business faced a major crisis when the business started to transition and key staff exited. I was devastated and unsure how to move forward, but Jacob’s guidance turned my despair into determination. He helped me see the situation not as a disaster but as an amazing opportunity to rebuild and grow in the right way. Together, we started to rehire and rebuild the team, and today, we’ve gone from zero to ten people.

Jacob’s coaching style is not about being agreeable or telling me what I want to hear. He’s brutally honest and isn’t afraid to call me out when I’m wrong. This tough-love approach has been crucial for my growth. Knowing that Jacob will challenge me keeps me on my toes and ensures that I’m always striving to improve.

The results speak for themselves. Since working with a life coach, we’ve tenfolded our revenue in just one year. The effect on my business has been phenomenal, and it’s clear that the investment in coaching has been worth every penny. The value I’ve received far exceeds the cost, and I’m continually amazed at our progress.

I firmly believe that coaching is essential for anyone who wants to excel in their field. Every top athlete has a coach to help them see what they can’t. As business leaders, we are no different. The insights and perspectives that a coach provides are invaluable. They help us see blind spots, refine our strategies, and push us to achieve our best.

Working with a life coach like Jacob has been nothing short of transformative. His coaching has driven substantial business growth and reinforced the importance of having a trusted advisor. If you’re serious about taking your business to the next level, I cannot recommend professional coaching highly enough. It’s an investment in yourself and your business that pays dividends beyond measure.

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