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Lucid's Hybrid Workplace Whiplash Survey: Australia's Hidden Productivity Killer

  • Written by Lucid Software

With four years into hybrid working, business leaders are still trying to figure out how to best optimise their employees’ experience and productivity. In a survey of more than ~2,500 knowledge workers globally, Lucid Software revealed the biggest hybrid headache: it’s not their in-office schedules; it’s the lack of training and enablement in how they collaborate. For more information and a deeper breakdown of the data, visit the Hybrid Workplace Whiplash blog.

Key Findings in Australia include:

- While the AU has had much discourse on hybrid work, only 2 in 10 employees are unsatisfied with their workplace’s hybrid policies, meaning 80% of workers are satisfied.

- Even though 80% of the AU workforce is either fully remote or hybrid, the country is lagging behind in introducing tools to support these workers. 58% of respondents say companies have not set up meeting rooms with technology, 59% say they’ve not implemented visual collaboration tools, and shockingly, less than half (29%) have only created hybrid meeting and working guidelines.

- Across the AU, 70% of full-time in-office employees identified that visual collaboration tools are not being implemented in their workplace, yet almost all of them (75%) deem visuals extremely important when kicking off and managing a project. 

The perception gap of hybrid work between levels

Managers and department heads are the majority of respondents experiencing hybrid whiplash and resisting change of hybrid policies (44%), followed by executives (41%) and entry-level employees (43%). Yet, it’s the executives who are struggling the most with motivation (41%) due to the hybrid work policies they set. There is one spot where everyone’s aligned: Executives (58%), managers (55%) and entry-level workers (43%) are all feeling the pinch in balancing productivity and name this the biggest challenge of hybrid work.

Tech tools and training (de)satisfaction

While more than half (55%) of executives claim their organization has implemented digital collaboration tools, only 33% of entry level/IC employees share this sentiment, highlighting a significant disconnect. Executives (56%), managers (49%) and entry-level workers (38%) are all using more than five tools to complete assignments and get their jobs done, indicating employees are already stretched thin across a large tech stack. 29% of entry-level roles, ICs and managers have whiteboarding tools in their tech stack but only 19% of them actually use it, showing a lack of training in knowing how to leverage these solutions.
The solution for Australian businesses is an effective foundation made of training, implementation and processes. Only a quarter (26%) of entry- level workers feel they have been adequately trained in hybrid collaboration, whereas executives say they’ve created guidelines (38%) and training (38%) for their employees.

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