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Deputy launches first end-to-end HR platform for shift workers

The platform seamlessly connects job seekers with businesses, reducing the time it takes to apply, onboard and start a new role from hours to minutes 

SYDNEY, 21 SEPTEMBER 2023 — Deputy, the leading shift work management platform, today announced the launch of its Deputy HR platform suite to streamline the hiring, onboarding and document management process for shift workers and employers across Australia. 

With the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) estimating over 1.8 million potential workers could enter the workforce — a 12% potential increase in the capacity of our labour market — there is an urgent need for a solution that connects businesses and job seekers efficiently and effectively. Australian businesses are looking to simplify their HR processes to find and connect with the right talent quickly.

Deputy is tackling this issue with its release of a new AI-powered end-to-end HR platform specifically designed for frontline workers. While white-collar workers regularly have access to cutting-edge technology like Artificial Intelligence (AI) that makes looking for a new role a seamless process, shift workers have not been afforded the same convenience. Deputy HR solves for this gap and includes three separate programmes — Hire, Onboarding and Documents — focussed on solving common challenges faced in the industry.

Streamline the hiring process

Deputy’s hiring solution helps businesses mitigate the issue of finding suitable candidates for open roles. Designed with the needs of HR professionals in mind, this solution offers a comprehensive suite of tools to help businesses streamline their hiring process. 

Deepesh Banerji, Deputy Chief Product Officer says, “Approximately 80% of the global workforce (2.7 billion people) are employed with irregular or rotating hours — and much of these people are in community-facing roles. With such a sizable portion of our workforce participating in the shift work economy, the need for an end-to-end platform designed to connect job seekers with suitable roles was significant. The launch of Deputy HR is the next step in enhancing the overall hiring, recruitment, and onboarding experience.”

Businesses can use the platform for QR code integration, enabling businesses to create eye-catching posters or embed creatives into online platforms, which make job postings accessible to both online and offline audiences. Candidates can scan the code, instantly viewing the available job listings from the specific business, eliminating the need for laborious job searches.

An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) allows businesses to view all applicants, screen candidate videos, and progress and schedule interviews — making it easy to find and hire great talent. Businesses can also integrate listings with existing job search platforms Indeed allowing customers to cross-promote listings on multiple sites. 

Onboard and retain the best talent 

The onboarding process can often be time-consuming and overwhelming for both the employer and the new hire. Deputy HR simplifies this process by providing a centralised hub for all onboarding tasks, including employee training.  

The onboarding offering simplifies the process for new employees and streamlines the previously time-consuming process of onboarding new employees by thirty to fourty five minutes per onboard. With customisable onboarding checklists and automated workflows, from collecting employee information to assigning training materials, Deputy HR helps businesses create a consistent and engaging onboarding experience for every new employee.

“With Deputy HR, both recruitment and onboarding are now seamless processes by providing time-savings and more quality candidates to the business. Deputy’s QR code allows for more people who are actually interested in working for the brand to apply to open positions, so we’re finding more qualified candidates overall. The video functionality allows us to get a better sense of the candidate, who they are, and how they will present themselves at work, which is critical in the hospitality industry. This feature also cuts back on countless hours previously wasted by blindly screening candidates through phone calls,” said Christopher Duong, Duo Duo General Manager.  

Stay compliant with intelligent document management 

Managing employee documents can be time-consuming and tedious for many businesses. Deputy's intelligent document management feature is designed to simplify this process by providing employers with a centralised platform where they can request, track, and manage employee documents with ease. From contracts and certifications to performance reviews and timesheets, all important documents can be easily stored and retrieved whenever needed, so employees can take them from job to job. This holistic approach allows for improved job mobility, acting as a ‘portable passport’ for shift workers to take between jobs as their career progresses. 

Businesses can securely store and retrieve employee documents, such as contracts, certifications, and performance reviews, all in one place. The platform also offers advanced search and filtering options, making it easy to find and access the necessary documents whenever they are needed. 

 To learn more about Deputy HR, visit.

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