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Networking: 5 Key Tips as a New Entrepreneur

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Networking is one of the most critical skills for any new entrepreneur. It can open up opportunities and create powerful connections to help launch your business to the next level. But it’s not just about having the right contacts – it’s also about knowing how to make the most of them.

This is where a lot of new business owners come unstuck. As such, today’s article is here to provide some tips on how to network as a new entrepreneur when you attend your first conferences.

Be confident

Confidence is vital when it comes to networking. Nobody wants to converse with someone who isn’t confident in themselves or their business. It’s essential to believe in yourself and your ideas and to be able to articulate them clearly to potential contacts.

Making a positive first impression is important, so ensure you come across as confident and sure of yourself.

Of course, this is the classic case of easier said than done. Some people are naturally more confident than others and the best way to improve yours, at least concerning your business, is to know your company. Create that ten-minute pitch, memorise it, and enthuse anyone you cross paths with at your next conference.

Be yourself

Networking is not about being someone else. Being yourself and letting your true personality shine through is important. This will help create genuine connections, and it will also make you more relatable and likeable.

Don’t be afraid to show your enthusiasm and passion for your business. People will more likely remember you if you come across as excited and passionate about what you do.

Be prepared

It’s important to be prepared before attending any networking events, whether it’s in-person, online or even hybrid. This means doing your research and making sure that you know as much as possible about the people you’re likely to meet. It also means having business cards ready and having that elevator pitch prepared.

Make sure you’ve understood the event you’re attending and the people who will be there. This will help you make the most of the opportunities that come your way.


Listening is one of the most essential skills when it comes to these events. It’s important to take the time to listen to people’s ideas and opinions and to really understand what they have to say. This will help you make a good impression (notice a theme?), and it will also help you to build genuine connections.

Be patient

Finally, it’s important to be patient. Building connections and finding success through networking takes time. Don’t expect instant success – it takes time to build trust and foster meaningful relationships.

However, something that will become apparent is that those relationships which are bred in networking events tend to be the strongest. These are the ones which have been tested through every stage, and over time, you’ll start to see these events paying dividends to your bottom line.

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