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Business 101: How to Gain a Competitive Edge

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Today’s world of business is a lot more complicated than it was in the past. Back then, all you needed to do was fill in a gap in the market with products or services that were superior to anything else available. While presenting consumers with quality offerings remains essential, it’s no longer straightforward. Accessibility has brought about more fierce competition, while modern technology has made consumers savvier. And with the unprecedented upheaval that the global COVID-19 pandemic has and continues to cause, having a competitive edge is now more critical than ever. In this post, we’ll cover some proven strategies and practices that will give your business an advantage over your rivals.

  1. Look for under-serviced niches

In war, flanking is a military tactic where you attack your opponents not where their efforts are focused but rather from behind where there may be openings you can potentially exploit. It generally means finding under-serviced niches and redefining categories when it comes to business. And it’s one of the most effective strategies to use, especially if you’re about to enter a mature or well-established market. The reason for this is that you’re less likely to run into heavy competition, meaning you won’t have to compete against your rivals directly. As a result, you’re more likely to capture your audience with little difficulty.

  1. Market across all digital fronts

These days, digital marketing has become a common practice amongst businesses across all industries. With the relentless dependence of consumers on the internet, advertising online is the best way to reach prospects and turn them into paying customers. So, make sure that you step up your efforts and try to market on every digital platform and channel. From pay-per-click advertising to content marketing, stepping up your efforts won't just help you keep up with the competition; it'll also enable you to get ahead of them. Don't forget to hire experts for specialised work like search engine optimisation at SEO Oxfordshire if you’re within the immediate vicinity. It’ll save you trouble while helping you get better results.

  1. Offer unbeatable customer service

There's no denying the fact that the way consumers feel they're treated takes up a considerable percentage of their buyer's journey and that customer support is an integral factor when it comes to making their decision on which one to do business with. Therefore, it makes sense to improve your customer service. It may not sound like a big deal, but people who feel valued by a brand or company are more likely to make a financial commitment. Conversely, there's a good chance that customers will avoid those that don't, even if they offer exceptional products or solutions.

Final thoughts

Gaining a competitive edge goes beyond the list of practices above since businesses can compete in many other areas, from scale economies and intellectual properties to cost leadership. However, these strategies should help you get started. So, make sure that you implement them in your business as they can put you in an advantageous position.

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