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14 million Aussies have a New Year’s resolution for 2022

Australians are keener than ever for a fresh start in 2022, according to new research by Finder, Australia’s most visited comparison site.

A nationally representative survey of 1,013 respondents revealed 72% of Australians – equivalent to almost 14 million people – have set a New Year's resolution.

After a second year filled with lockdowns and restrictions, 2.1 million more people are not making a New Year’s resolution compared to the same time last year.

The survey found almost 1 in 3 have pledged to improve their fitness and adopt healthier eating habits (30%), while a further 28% are motivated to lose weight.

Aside from resolutions, the research also shows the new year is shaping up to be the year Aussies get on top of their finances.

More than 3 in 4 (78%) Australians say they have set financial goals for 2022.

Saving more (51%) and spending less (32%) is top of mind for some, while investing more (24%) and buying cryptocurrency (8%) is the goal for others.

Kate Browne, personal finance expert at Finder, said millions of Aussies are hoping to hit the reset button.

“Whether it’s losing weight or finding love, no one resolution is better than the other, however all of us could benefit from sorting out our finances or making a budget.

“Sorting out your finances is one of the easiest New Year’s resolutions to make and it doesn’t require the willpower of hitting the gym regularly or eating better.”

Browne recommends setting up a budget for longer-term financial goals such as buying a house, or paying off student debt.

“Money management apps like the Finder app are a great way to keep track of your income and expenses. 

“Seeing your spending broken down by category can help you set a realistic budget and manage your bills.”

The research reveals 7% of Australians – equivalent to around 1.3 million people – plan on taking more risks in 2022. The same number (7%) have romance on their mind, and are hoping to find love.

Almost 1 in 10 (8%) will strive to have a better work-life balance, while more than 1 in 8 (13%) plan to sleep more. A further 5% want to start meditating.

Browne said work-from-home restrictions had blurred the lines between work and personal life.

“Many Australians are desperate to claw back their free time.

“If there’s one thing the last year has taught many of us, it’s setting aside time for self-care and priorities.”

Dreams of buying a home are on the list for 12% of Aussies, while 10% will endeavor to pay off credit debt, and 5% will aim to knock off student loans.

What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2022?
Improve fitness 30%
Eat healthier 30%
Lose weight 28%
Sleep more 13%
Be more sustainable 11%
Work less/have a better work-life balance 8%
Travel overseas 8%
Renovate my home 7%
Find love 7%
Take more risks 7%
Change my job 7%
Volunteer 5%
Quit smoking 5%
Start meditating 5%
Move interstate/overseas 2%
Quit vaping 2%
Quit drinking 2%
Quit gambling 2%
Other (please specify) 3%
I don't do New Year's resolutions 28%
Source: Finder survey of 1,013 respondents, December 2021
Respondents could select up to 3 responses

What are your top financial goals for 2022?
Save more money 51%
Spend less money 32%
Invest more 24%
Build up an emergency fund 20%
Buy a home 12%
Get a raise in salary 11%
Pay off my credit card 10%
Stop using buy-now-pay-later (BNPL)(e.g. Afterpay) 8%
Buy cryptocurrency 8%
Pay off my student debt (e.g. HECS-HELP) 5%
Other (please specify) 3%
I don't have any financial goals for 2022 22%
Source: Finder survey of 1,013 respondents, December 2021
Respondents could select up to 3 responses

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