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Business Marketing


David Koch champions SME marketing

David Koch has been awarded the 2021 Sir Charles McGrath Award, and used his acceptance speech to call on marketing firms to support small businesses, emphasising the value of quality advice for these clients.

Whilst Koch is most well known for his roles as a television presenter and with the Port Adelaide Football Club, his reception of the McGrath Award reflects the success of his marketing and digital content production company, Pinstripe Media. Koch says the company is his true passion.

“I’ve owned a family business since the late 1990s and I’m proud of Pinstripe Media’s development into a leading business, finance and tech content marketing and digital publishing business. My role in Sunrise is somewhat a hobby that’s spun out of control. I was asked to fill in as host for three months… and that was 19 years ago.”

Receiving the award, Koch called out the importance of quality marketing services for small businesses.

“I’m so passionate about doing what I and Pinstripe Media can do to help small businesses. Small business owners are the risk takers, the new wave of success stories and the new employers. They deserve the best possible support.”

Since 1976, the prestigious Sir Charles McGrath Award has been presented to those who have made the most significant contribution to the field of marketing through sound business practice, development of the marketing profession, or wider industry achievements.

The judges review submissions across 18 categories and nine special categories, considering the nominees’ B2B and B2C metrics and success factors, as well as linkages between strategy, execution and outcomes achieved.  Nominations are assessed by a judging panel of over 100 independent Certified Practising Marketers (CPM).

CPM is the only peak professional benchmark for marketing professionals in the Asia-Pacific region and is awarded to applicants who demonstrate ethical behaviour, depth of experience and currency of knowledge. It provides access to ongoing professional development, mentorship opportunities and a network of Australia’s best marketers, through the CPM Member Directory.

Koch emphasised that experienced marketers can aid small businesses by considering the unique story and circumstances of each business.

“So often, people think small business is just a small version of big business – an inanimate corporate structure on a different scale. But every small business is founded, owned and operated by a unique human being who has decided to follow their passion.”

The Sir Charles McGrath Award was presented as part of the AMI Awards for Marketing Excellence, which were established in 1982 to celebrate extraordinary success achieved through innovative and effective marketing practices.

“It’s an honour to be the recipient of this year’s Sir Charles McGrath Award and follow in the footsteps of previous winners, such as Marnie Baker, Christine Holgate, Mark Ritson and Andrew Baxter,” said Koch.

AMI CEO, Narendra Prasad, said Koch was an incredibly worthy winner:

“David encapsulates the spirit of AMI and the Sir Charles McGrath Award – he has achieved incredible success through innovation and is an exemplar of the marketing profession.”mins and Simon Cheng as newly appointed directors of AMI.

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