Business Daily Media

Code Worldwide opening development centre in Malaga

  • Written by Steve Conroy
Code CEO Matt McNeany
Code CEO Matt McNeany

LONDON – Code Worldwide has extended its worldwide office footprint by opening up a new development centre in Malaga, Spain.

Code CEO Matt McNeany explained the background to the decision, “Code is growing and we needed to extend our development capacity in order to continue to deliver quality solutions at scale to our clients.  We also wanted to be able to access new talent profiles whilst keeping to our near-shore staffing model.  We reviewed offerings from many cities but in Malaga, we were impressed with the connections to local universities plus the ability to attract talent from right across Europe.”

Code’s Malaga office is being led by Head of Project Management, Pavel Bondarev, with a start-up team transferred from the Dnepr office.  Local recruitment is already underway with the first Spanish employee hired and due to start work in a few weeks.

McNeany further explained the talent strategy, “We want to be in places which have an emerging culture for technology innovation, that’s why we started in Dnepr and maintain our full commitment to that office and to Ukraine.  Southern Spain is an emerging force in tech and our neighbours are Ericsson, Oracle, Google and IBM.  We are also interested in expanding the types of technology that we use and in Malaga, we have the opportunity to recruit locally and attract Europe’s best developers with a combination of innovative, large-scale projects using cutting-edge technology – and a pretty fantastic lifestyle (of which we are all sickeningly jealous in the other offices!)”

Code Malaga is Code’s 5th full time location after London, Dnepr, the Ukraine, New York and Sydney.  Code services clients in 80+ markets around the world and will continue to add new centres to service its growing international client base.

For more information on Code Worldwide, visit:

About Code Worldwide - Founded in 2003, Code Worldwide ( is a leading marketing technology specialist. Code Worldwide helps its clients transform their marketing through technology, deepening customer engagement and streamlining implementation.

Code Worldwide services include digital strategy and technology consultancy, the automated marketing platform adZU (,) and Agile development of customized technology products and services. Code Worldwide is a part of RAPP’s network agencies.

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