Business Daily Media

'Network contagion' is key to getting healthier numbers of women on company boards

  • Written by Michael Gilding, Pro Vice Chancellor, Faculty of Business and Law, Swinburne University of Technology
'Network contagion' is key to getting healthier numbers of women on company boardsWhen women make up 30% of boards that's when it starts having an impact. Marvis Wong, CC BY-SA

Female representation of 30% on a company board is the tipping point at which it stops being tokenistic and begins to make a difference on things like innovation.

Norway, France and Sweden have already achieved this target for companies overall. In...

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With the rise of technology digitising all fields of life, finance has not been left behind. There has now been the development of a chance to ear...

Business Training

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Legal Fees for Selling a House

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The Importance Of Professional Cleaners

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Preliminary clearance rates dip as capital city auction activity rises

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ANOTHER DESIGN Is Committed To Offering Expert Stylish Brand For Real Estate Business

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