Business Daily Media

Everything You Need to Know About Running a Limo Service

A limo service business can be very rewarding financial-wise. Your job duties include scheduling your vehicles to pick up and drive clients to vario...

Business Training

How To Use a VA Loan for an Investment Property

Okay, we are going to have to play a little fast and loose with the word “Investment” here because a VA loan shouldn't be used as a way to create mo...


What a Labor Government means for housing affordability and the Australian property market

Housing was a defining issue of this month’s Federal Election and the Labor party’s win brings with it a raft of policy measures designed to address t...


3 Essential SEO Services To Help Grow Your Business

Did you know that 44% of businesses have an SEO strategy? SEO remains a powerful SEO strategy for everyone, from startups to businesses big and s...

Business Training

Top 6 Factors That Influence Land Valuation

Valuation of and is done to determine its value based on various factors. The valuation is carried out using sales, income, cost, and market data...


Bridging the Gap: How Urban Architecture Integrates Green Spaces

Urban environments are often characterised by dense buildings, vehicular traffic, and limited accessibility to natural green spaces. This setup has...
