Business Daily Media

Best Ways to Sell Real Estate Online

In today's digital age, selling property has never been easier or more convenient. With the vast array of online platforms and tools available, yo...


Keep on Trucking: 7 Different Types of Truck Drivers

Are you thinking of becoming a truck driver, but aren't sure which type to become? Did you know that 8.9 million people in the U.S. have a job in ...

Business Training

Bridging the Gap: How Urban Architecture Integrates Green Spaces

Urban environments are often characterised by dense buildings, vehicular traffic, and limited accessibility to natural green spaces. This setup has...


What a Labor Government means for housing affordability and the Australian property market

Housing was a defining issue of this month’s Federal Election and the Labor party’s win brings with it a raft of policy measures designed to address t...



Australia’s leading online book retailer Booktopia Group Limited (ASX: BKG) (“the Company”) is  pleased to announce it has finalised a $12 million f...


6 ways to save electricity while working from home during COVID-19

With many Aussies now working from home due to Government-mandated restrictions, there may be concerns that staying home could be driving up energy ...

Business Training