Business Daily Media


  • Written by PR Newswire

BRISBANE, Australia, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As many as one in five Australian drivers have no problem using their mobile device while behind the wheel, a survey conducted by one of Australia's biggest insurers has shown.

Budget Direct Car Insurance[1] recently surveyed 1,000 Aussies aged 18 and older about distracted driving to better understand behaviours and attitudes.

Of those who participated, the majority said tougher penalties was the most effective way of deterring people from handling their phone while on the road.

But glancing away from the road for just two seconds at 60 km/h means the driver is effectively driving blind for 33 metres.

Research shows road users are 10 times more likely to crash if they are texting, browsing or emailing while driving. A driver's reaction time when distracted is comparable to a drunk driver with a blood alcohol reading between 0.07 and 0.107.

Young people aged 18 to 37 responded that they were more likely to be comfortable driving with their phones because they felt safe and capable of doing so. In the three years to 2023, the percentage of respondents who said a fine exceeding $1,000 would stop them from texting and driving has more than doubled.[i]

Those who were surveyed in Queensland were the most likely state or territory in Australia to say that tougher penalties for mobile phone laws would be the most effective deterrent for people texting and driving. 

Queenslanders also copped the biggest penalties per state, with a fine costing $1,161 and 4 demerit points. Those in Western Australia had the second highest penalty at fines ranging from $500-$1,000 and 3-4 demerit points, with the rest of the country ranging from $600 fines and 3-5 demerit points.

Tasmania had the lowest penalties at $390 for a fine and 3 demerit points.

On average in Queensland, 29 people are killed and more than 1,200 are seriously injured each year due to distracted driving[ii].

The percentage of respondents who said they were able to confidently drive while using their device has continued to increase since 2018, and there again in 2020.

Changing a song on a playlist and checking their phone while stopped at traffic lights were the two most common ways respondents said they had used their mobile phone while driving.

Even if the device is mounted, drivers are still prohibited from scrolling or entering any information into their phones other than by using voice control. Despite these alarming statistics, a third of respondents were aware of the risks involved, stating that they believed texting and driving was the most likely factor when it came to road fatalities.

Respondents aged between 58 and 75 were the least confident age group to use their phones while driving.

For the full breakdown and further insights from the Budget Direct survey go here.[2]



  1. ^ Budget Direct Car Insurance (
  2. ^ here. (

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