Things That Make You a Boring Boyfriend
- Written by News Co Media

It’s easy to become boring in girl’s eyes, yet hard to redeem yourself. You may become boring after one date or three years of family life. When you notice that your girlfriend isn’t satisfied with your company, sighing every second, you start thinking about the worst-case scenario. The same goes for talking online. When you chat with young girls, it’s so easy to get blocked or ghosted. And you never know what went wrong in the first place.
Even if you are an attentive boyfriend, it’s easy to get dumped if you do the following things:
Don’t love yourself
If you belittle yourself, think you’re a loser, why would anyone perceive you differently? You need to radiate self-confidence to be appreciated. But don’t be too self-assured, it doesn’t work like that. Women still don’t like narcissists. Stay in the middle. You need to be assertive and look reliable, that’s what attracts most women. They feel comfortable and at peace with a man who trusts himself and believes in his actions.
You are distant and passive
It’s essential to be attentive to your girl. But it doesn’t mean that while you are at the restaurant, you should be silently smiling and nodding to everything she says. It’s not a monolog. An ability to maintain a conversation is key in finding mutual interests and hobbies.
Passiveness is also a major turnoff for a girl. Let’s imagine you’ve met on a street, or just decided to take a walk during the date. It’s raining, the weather is foul. Don’t wait for a girl to ask you to go somewhere cozy and warm. Use your brain and have it all though out. Have it all memorized, at least read a weather forecast. Know some areas to go to and some cafes to visit. If you have trouble with assertiveness and independence, have it all sorted out up to every detail. Help her with her coat, chair, offer something delicious from a menu. If you’ll sit there and wait for a signal, she’ll have to sort everything out by herself, and she won’t like it since you were the one who asked her on a date. Don’t expect a second date if, during your first shot, you were a passive doormat.
You are carried away too much
It can be your friend, your work, your family life. It concerns things in the long run. If you spend too much time thinking about all relationships in your life, you’ll end up getting drained and exhausted, too exhausted to carry on with your romantic interest. Even if she’s an understanding girl, nobody likes to be put on the second position. It’s cool that you want to help your friend to overcome an alcohol problem, but no woman will be pleased by your helpfulness unless it is about her or your couple. Soon, it will become an annoying issue where you chase after grown-up men (your friends or boss), leaving no time to care about her.
You presented a wrong image
Let’s imagine you got to know each other on a dating site. And, having a lot of time and a secure space, you introduced yourself as an amazing king, full of potential, using lots of smart words from Google. You were so intimidating trying to impress her, she was scared to meet you in real life. You set a high bar without even realizing it. But once she meets you in real life, she sees your inability to articulate and realizes that her online guy and you are two different people.
So don’t build an image of a cool powerful man if you are mediocre and lazy in real life. Let’s be honest, you don’t like to be catfished too.
You complain a lot
You whine about life, people, destiny, and everything that bothers you. Realize that this world is not perfect, and humans also have flaws. If you are bad with accepting and realizing things, write them down in a small notebook, cry about it, or find a therapist. But don’t be a wet blanket every time you see your girlfriend. Yes, all close relatives and couples have to listen and lend a helping hand to each other. But if it seems to be your character trait and your religion, work on yourself. She is not a 15-year-old to be in love with emo, trying to fix you every day.