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The Benefits of Buying a Virtual Business Number to Divert to Your Mobile

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Many businesses rely heavily on mobile phones these days. Tradesmen, field technicians, sole traders and mobile sales teams cannot do without them. However, businesses that publish their mobile phone number as their main point of contact for customers and suppliers to call could be missing out on a great deal. This is why many firms have a local or national phone number on their website and social media rather than publishing their mobile number. However, traditionally fixed-line phone numbers needed to be tied to a physical connection. This is not the case with a virtual business number which offers the best of both worlds – a permanent number to call and all of the freedom that mobile services offer. Read on to find out why many SMEs and others now use virtual business numbers.

Divert Callers Anywhere

The great thing about a virtual business number is that you can set it to redirect calls to any phone number you like. This could be your current mobile phone, of course, but it could also be your home landline or any other number you choose. This way, you won't miss an important call wherever you are. Callers won't realise they are being redirected because the whole process operates seamlessly in the background.

Change How Calls Are Redirected

Want to go on holiday and set your virtual business number to ring a colleague's mobile instead of your own? If so, you can. According to Cleartone Communications, a firm that provides a raft of business telephone numbers to commercial users across the UK, changing how calls are directed is very easy with an online dashboard. It only takes a moment or two to alter when and how calls will be diverted or to put things back the way they were.

Benefit of a Non-Geographical Number

Virtual business telephone numbers include special dialling codes like 0800 or 0345. Since these are recognised by most British people to be free or locally charged numbers, you can increase the number of calls you receive dramatically by investing in them. Even better, they won't tie you down to one city or region, thereby affording you a bigger presence nationally.

Benefit of a Geographical Number

Sometimes, you may want to develop a presence in a town or city that you don't already enjoy. Therefore, opting for a geographical business number might be a good idea. Many firms based outside of London now have virtual 0207 numbers or 0208 numbers for example. Equally, if you want to get more customers in the Midlands to call you, why not obtain an 0121 number to make it look as though you're based in Birmingham?

Enjoy Numerous Business Telephone Number Features

Whether you want to separate your mobile's personal voicemail greeting from your business one or simply want to offer callers music on hold when you are already on a call, you can do so with a virtual business number. When callers are diverted to your mobile using the virtual business number, you can have a welcome greeting played to them. Some companies also make use of a virtual switchboard to help callers direct themselves to the right department. There are plenty of other features to look out for, too, such as business WhatsApp integration.

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