6 Practical Tips to Help Avoid Workplace Burnout
- Written by Lilly Miller

The workplace can be a very stressful and fast-paced environment. Our go-to way of dealing with such problems usually lies in pushing ourselves harder and trying to do more. But, although the intent is noble, this balloon can be inflated only so much before blowing up. That brings us to the issue of workplace burnout that, according to a recent survey, has been experienced by as many as 75% of all active workers.
What’s even more concerning is that all these cases are not simply one-time problems. Burnout can cause serious health issues like excessive stress, increased blood pressure, a higher chance for Type 2 diabetes, and even chronic depression.
Let us take a look then a couple of smart strategies you can use to pace out the daily workload and reduce the chance of pushing yourself a step too hard.
Schedule regular breaks
Short breaks are the best remedy to attrition. Even pauses that last no longer than 5 to 10 minutes can take a lot of pressure off your shoulders and help you rejuvenate for the tasks ahead. The good news is that, to get this critical pit stop pauses, you don't even have to rush through the tasks at hand. You can simply use some of the tried and true time management strategies like, for instance, the Pomodoro technique. In this case, you should break all of your tasks into small chunks of 25 minutes and take five-minute breaks after each task. After you finish a couple of tasks in a row, take a longer break of 15-30 minutes.
Have enough sleep before work
We can't stress enough just how much enough sleep is important for mental and physical wellbeing, especially if you have a heavy workload awaiting you tomorrow. Sleep deprivation can cause a whole slew of serious health issues ranging weakened immune system to damage to the cardiovascular system. A heavy workload can only make these issues worse. Do your best then to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep before taking any kind of serious job assignment. Also, do your best to keep sleeping times consistent and go to bed at the same time each day. You can save your favorite Netflix show for the weekends.
Get yourself pumped up for the challenge
Of course, we are not recommending indulging in some dangerous substances that could potentially damage your health and overall well-being. But, nature has supplied us with enough tools we can use to get our bodies ready for hard-working sessions. For instance, green tea will keep you concentrated while offering a long list of other health benefits. The ladies could also use some of the beneficial immunity supplements to help them deal with long and attiring workdays. Even superfoods like elderberries, garlic, spinach, eggs, and broccoli can go a long way in making your body a walking fortress.
Get hooked on physical activity
Throwing physical activity on top of all obligations you already have at work may seem like one step too far but you would be surprised to know that working out can actually help you to make a good chunk of this pressure go away. As a matter of fact, 15-20 minutes of vigorous exercise help your body produce a genuine endorphin rush. And endorphin, due to its effects that make you feel calm and relaxed, is often called the 'happy hormone.' This effect is also often described as runner’s high. So, as counterintuitive as it may sound, using your work breaks for short cardio sessions can actually serve you better than rest.
Enjoy the healthy social life
Burnout doesn't exclusively occur as a consequence of heavy workload or physical stress. As we had plenty of opportunities to see during the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation can be devastating for personal well-being and exacerbate issues with a heavy workload. This situation is made even worse by the fact that over the last couple of years an increasing number of people have been moved to remote work positions where they can't enjoy healthy social interactions. The solution to this problem is very simple – make some time for friends and family or join some activity that will get you back in the loop.
Create a nourishing workspace
Last but not least, we would like to remind you that the environment you spend work hours in can have a tremendous impact on your overall well-being. Therefore, populating the workspace with the things that motivate you or you simply hold dear can do a great deal of heavy lifting in keeping your batteries fully charged. Some of the most popular solutions to this problem can be found in comfortable furniture and indoor plants but this is the instance where whatever makes you feel happy works to your benefit. If you want to, you can even inquire with your employer about bringing your favorite pet to the party.
We hope these few simple strategies will help you find a way to make your workload if only a bit more bearable and avoid issues like workplace burnout. The present-day business world is very fast-paced and relentless and it is very little we can do about that. But, we can change how we approach and deal with these obligations. And these small quirks can make all the difference in the world.